Need help with Textdraw bar -
SpikY_ - 19.07.2015
I am working on a Gamemode and there are many gamemodes in gamemode folder which changes by a timer one by one. OT: there is a stealing gamemode in which we have to steal the cargobob from the Security Guards.
For that i have created a textdraw which will show the Delievering progress of cargobob.
I want to make it like when the thieve enter the cargobob and go for the CHECKPOINT to Deliever it so the progress bar should increase as much as the player go near the checkpoint. and at a specific destination, progress bar should stop after delievering it to the checkpoint.
Have a look on the textdraw below ( attachments ):
Re: Need help with Textdraw bar -
SilentSoul - 19.07.2015
Use progress bar include :-
And create your own bar where ever you want. and create a timer which repeat itself and check if the player is still on checkpoint ( IsPlayerInDynamicCP if you're using streamer ) increase the player progress bar. and when its 100% destroy the timer and hide the progress bar
Re: Need help with Textdraw bar -
SpikY_ - 19.07.2015
Can i have some tips(codes) how to make :c?
Don't have much knowledge about Textdraws update
Re: Need help with Textdraw bar -
SilentSoul - 19.07.2015
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <progress2>
#include <streamer>
PlayerBar:Progress[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
PlayerText:Capturing[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
PlayerTimer[ MAX_PLAYERS ] = -1,
PlayerDelieverValue[ MAX_PLAYERS ] = 0;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
Progress[ playerid ] = CreatePlayerProgressBar( playerid , 253.000000, 381.000000, 121.000000, 5.000000, 11206655, 100.000000 , BAR_DIRECTION_RIGHT );
Capturing[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw( playerid , 253.000000, 381.000000 , "Deliver progress...0%" );
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize( playerid , Capturing[playerid] , 0.220000, 0.9 );
PlayerTextDrawAlignment( playerid , Capturing[playerid] , 1 );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid , Capturing[playerid] , -1 );
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow( playerid , Capturing[playerid] , 0 );
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline( playerid , Capturing[playerid] , -1 );
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor( playerid , Capturing[playerid] , 255 );
PlayerTextDrawFont( playerid , Capturing[playerid] , 1 );
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional( playerid , Capturing[playerid] , 1 );
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow( playerid , Capturing[playerid] , 0 );
PlayerDelieverValue[ playerid ] = 0;
SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 2566, 256, 12, 20.0 );//just example
return true;
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
PlayerTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx("deliverupdate", 1000, true, "i", playerid );
PlayerDelieverValue[ playerid ] = 0;
return true;
forward deliverupdate( playerid );
public deliverupdate( playerid )
if( !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 20.0, 2566, 256, 12 ))
//left the checkpoint
KillTimer( PlayerTimer[ playerid ] );
HidePlayerProgressBar( playerid, Progress[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, Capturing[ playerid ] );
return true;
str[ 32 ];
PlayerDelieverValue[ playerid ] += 5;
SetPlayerProgressBarValue( playerid, Progress[ playerid ] , PlayerDelieverValue[ playerid ] );
format( str, sizeof( str ) , "Deliver progress...%d%", PlayerDelieverValue[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, Capturing[playerid], str );
ShowPlayerProgressBar( playerid, Progress[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, Capturing[ playerid ] );
if( PlayerDelieverValue[ playerid ] >= 100 )
KillTimer( PlayerTimer[ playerid ] );
HidePlayerProgressBar( playerid, Progress[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, Capturing[ playerid ] );
return true;
EDIT: Sorry forgot to say, you need to check if the player inside the vehicle, if not destroy the timer, hope you got the idea of it.
Re: Need help with Textdraw bar -
SpikY_ - 19.07.2015
Textdraw and progressbar ain't appearing.
Re: Need help with Textdraw bar -
SilentSoul - 19.07.2015
Make sure you change the x, y, z location for all the code. Specially the timer one ( isplayerinrangeof.. )
I tested it and its working fine.
Re: Need help with Textdraw bar -
SpikY_ - 19.07.2015
I know, Thats why i already change the co-ordinates but that textdraw ain't appear.
I have changed the xyz of
CreatePlayerTextDraw( playerid , 253.000000, 381.000000 , "Deliver progress...0%" );
CreatePlayerProgressBar( playerid , 253.000000, 381.000000, 121.000000, 5.000000, 11206655, 100.000000 , BAR_DIRECTION_RIGHT );
Re: Need help with Textdraw bar -
SilentSoul - 19.07.2015
No, i mean the
SetPlayerCheckpoint and
IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint co-ordinates!
Re: Need help with Textdraw bar -
SpikY_ - 19.07.2015
i just removed the line SetPlayerCheckpoint cause i have one under OnPlayerEnterVehicle
and about IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint i have added xyz coordinates of Checkpoint
Re: Need help with Textdraw bar -
SilentSoul - 19.07.2015
May i see your code?