Pawn compiling error | +rep - Printable Version
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Pawn compiling error | +rep -
NickMirra - 19.07.2015
Hello, well when i go to compile my script i've been working on it starts the compile screen and then starts up my game, it loads in and tries connecting to :7777 and i /q to see if its done yet and it says its compiled at the bottom of the box, but it doesnt show any of the pawn copyright and all that or that it compiled.
- I also run as administrator
Re: Pawn compiling error | +rep -
Glenn332 - 19.07.2015
Try and compile a fresh script see if that works, If not then you might try and remove that pawno and just download a new one
Re: Pawn compiling error | +rep -
NickMirra - 19.07.2015
Originally Posted by Glenn332
Try and compile a fresh script see if that works, If not then you might try and remove that pawno and just download a new one
Tried both and it still launched the game.
Re: Pawn compiling error | +rep -
GTLS - 19.07.2015
There might be a prob. with your pawno script..
which GM are you using?
and download latest server package and copy your gm.pwn file in it and try to compile!!
Re: Pawn compiling error | +rep -
Toxik - 19.07.2015
if a Script is owerwriten it would take some more time to Complie whole scripts ..
Re: Pawn compiling error | +rep -
SpikY_ - 19.07.2015
i think your pc got corrupted.
try extracting your pawno folder.
Re: Pawn compiling error | +rep -
NickMirra - 19.07.2015
My own that ive been scripting and i tired to move it to a folder with a fresh download of the latest server package, it still started gta upon compiling
Re: Pawn compiling error | +rep -
GTLS - 19.07.2015
if still the prob come, reinstall your gta sa into diff. directory