Your favourite Assassin's Creed character? -
Zeeman - 15.07.2015
Just finished AC: Rogue today, sad that's it the last AC game for xbox 360 so will have to buy xbox one soon just for AC unity. So as the title says, who's youre favourite AC character from the whole series and why?
If I had to choose one character only, it would be Haytham Kenway definitely although you only get to play as him for a few missions only, he has a badass personality and he's son of Edward Kenway (who is my 2nd favourite)
Re: Your favourite Assassin's Creed character? -
iMTube™ - 15.07.2015
edward,altair and connor ohohohohohoh and Ezio... yeh thats all the characters that i know of lel..
Re: Your favourite Assassin's Creed character? -
MattTucker - 15.07.2015
Fav char would be Edward.
Although Assassin's Creed 2 was by far the best AC story ever, in my opinion. (Played up until blackflag)
Re: Your favourite Assassin's Creed character? -
DarkLored - 15.07.2015
Ezio, I loved playing the Assassin's Creed series and am planning to buy the next game after it's release I just hope that the performance won't be fucked up like before.
Re: Your favourite Assassin's Creed character? -
[Twixx] - 15.07.2015
Connor. Most people hate him because they don't get his character. He's actually the most unique and deep.
Re: Your favourite Assassin's Creed character? -
Zeeman - 16.07.2015
Originally Posted by [Twixx]
Connor. Most people hate him because they don't get his character. He's actually the most unique and deep.
True that and even tho he learns George Washington was responsible for burning his village, he still helps them anyways.
Re: Your favourite Assassin's Creed character? -
Glossy42O - 16.07.2015
Connor and Ezio
Re: Your favourite Assassin's Creed character? -
Nightangle - 16.07.2015
Ezio and desmond
i fucking love leap of faith.
Re: Your favourite Assassin's Creed character? -
Vince - 16.07.2015
Main character only? Otherwise I'd pick Йlise. I don't really have one favorite main character. I think I'd pick Haytham, closely followed by Edward. Connor's voice acting was so bland. It always felt so monotone.
Re: Your favourite Assassin's Creed character? -
J0sh... - 16.07.2015
Edward was the man.