Progress bar lose outline - please help (with pictures) -
Saddin - 13.07.2015
Hello, im using Progress Bars v2 by Toribio -
And im using this menu
So, everything works perfectly, but on clicking down arrow while using this menu few times this green progress bar lose outline. I dont know why and how to stop doing that.
Here are the pictures
before i type few times down arrow -
after -
I dont know whats the point.. :S
Re: Progress bar lose outline - please help (with pictures) -
Evocator - 13.07.2015
Max bar value? Bar value? All are factors. Show the bar code.
Re: Progress bar lose outline - please help (with pictures) -
Saddin - 13.07.2015
SetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, PlayerBar:Bar0[playerid], 100);
Bar0[playerid] = CreatePlayerProgressBar(playerid, 548.000000, 37.000000, 61.000000, 4.199998, 777660159, 100.0000, 0);
if(UmroOdGladi == 1)
KillTimer(HungerTimerMain[playerid]); //UBIJA GLAVNI TIMER OD PET MINUTA ZA GLAD - HUNGER
SCM(playerid, COLOR_DEATH, "* Onesvijestili ste se jer niste ništa jeli - slijedeći put ispunite svoje potrebe.");
SetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, Bar0[playerid], 10.0); //stavlja na 10 posto kada umre od gladi
forward playerhunger(playerid);
public playerhunger(playerid)
if(GetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, Bar0[playerid])<=0)
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0);
if(GetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, Bar0[playerid])>=0)
SetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, Bar0[playerid], GetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, Bar0[playerid])-2.0);
Please help