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FireTruck and throwing water - Printable Version

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FireTruck and throwing water - pepek1995 - 12.07.2015

Hello, can I block throwing water by FireTruck ?

Re: FireTruck and throwing water - SoFahim - 12.07.2015

As long as i know, there no function for it

Re : FireTruck and throwing water - KillerDVX - 12.07.2015

Humm... Actually you can't but, you can do some actions as removing player from vehicle or kill him while he's doing it.

Try this :

PHP код:
#define HOLDING(%0) \
((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0))
OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playeridnewkeysoldkeys) {
HOLDING(KEY_FIRE) && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 407) {
//Your punishement
return 1;