TDS select problem - Printable Version
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TDS select problem -
SoFahim - 08.07.2015
My scripting code are all okey. Should i need all latest DotNet framework, VisualS 2010-15?
Because Many TDS are not working properly. It cannot be select
Re: TDS select problem -
dusk - 08.07.2015
Maybe you set the selectable area wrong?
Remember that
TextDrawTextSize defines the selectable area for a textdraw, so if it is 0.0, 0.0, its impossible to select.
Re: TDS select problem -
SoFahim - 08.07.2015
Originally Posted by dusk
Maybe you set the selectable area wrong?
Remember that TextDrawTextSize defines the selectable area for a textdraw, so if it is 0.0, 0.0, its impossible to select.
Nope. as i told before. all code are 100percent okey. But I don't know when i click the TDS, it pop up( the selete option lighting as i scripted) but it don't show next one
Re: TDS select problem -
SoFahim - 10.07.2015
BUMP. still need help