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How can i see player's pm while spectating - Printable Version

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How can i see player's pm while spectating - STONEGOLD - 07.07.2015

How can i see players pms while i m spectating him. ?

if he sends msg to someone or someone send msg to him. i want to see everything while spectating so.

Also, I need a command /checkpms so it shows me all players pms.

I would be your so thankful if you guyz give me codes/


Re: How can i see player's pm while spectating - SecretBoss - 07.07.2015

I created a PM system but someone deleted I don't know why, so it has /spypms command where you can enable/disable the feature to see the pms while specing you need to create a variable and set it to 1 when you spec someone then put on your system the if and sends the message to online admins

to get my script add me on skype
SecretBoss GR

Re: How can i see player's pm while spectating - STONEGOLD - 07.07.2015

Added you. Someone can help me and post here codes?

Re: How can i see player's pm while spectating - SNAKE12 - 07.07.2015

give us pm codes in your script to help you

Re: How can i see player's pm while spectating - Shaktimaan - 07.07.2015

Post your /pm command and /spec command.

Re: How can i see player's pm while spectating - STONEGOLD - 07.07.2015

PHP код:
idmsg[64], string[256];
sscanf(params"us[64]"idmsg)) return SendClientMessage(playeridRED"[USAGE]: /pm [name/id] [msg]");
IsPlayerConnected(id)) return SendClientMessage(playeridRED"Player not found.");
strlen(msg) < || strlen(msg) > 64) return SendClientMessage(playeridRED"Your message can only contain 1-64 characters.");
playerid == id) return SendClientMessage(playeridRED"You cannot PM yourself.");
IsIgnoringPMs{id} == 1) return SendClientMessage(playeridRED"That player is currently ignoring private messages.");
format(stringsizeof(string), "[PM] To %s (%d): %s"GetName(id), idmsg);
format(stringsizeof(string), "[PM] From %s (%d): %s"GetName(playerid), playeridmsg);
SendClientMessage(idYELLOW"Use /r [msg] to reply to this PM, use /nopm to ignore all PMs.");
chattingwith[id] = playerid;


I would like to see all players pms by type /checkpms and /checkpmsoff

That would be better if you make with cmds