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ADmin CMD Permission HElp - Printable Version

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ADmin CMD Permission HElp - Strider1997 - 07.07.2015

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if((strcmp("/acmds", cmdtext, true) == 0) || (strcmp("/admincommands", cmdtext, true) == 0))

i want this command to be used by admins only !!
Thanks IN Advance.

Re: Hello Help me huh ! - Sithis - 07.07.2015

First, please use a proper topic title so others may be able to more easily identify your issue.

Second, without knowing how you keep track of admin permissions, we cannot help you.

Re: Hello Help me huh ! - harman1hs1 - 07.07.2015

use if(!(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You aren't admin!");

this works for rcon admins, hope i helped you.

Re: Hello Help me huh ! - Strider1997 - 07.07.2015

What do you mean track of admin permissions ? ?

Re: ADmin CMD Permission HElp - Strider1997 - 07.07.2015

Where i have to use this if(!(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You aren't admin!"); ?

Re: ADmin CMD Permission HElp - harman1hs1 - 07.07.2015

before if((strcmp("/acmds", cmdtext, true) == 0) || (strcmp("/admincommands", cmdtext, true) == 0))

be sure that in game you use /rcon login <your rcon>

or it doesn't work and will say the error message "You aren't admin!"

Re: ADmin CMD Permission HElp - Stev - 07.07.2015


Re: Hello Help me huh ! - Sithis - 07.07.2015

Originally Posted by Strider1997
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What do you mean track of admin permissions ? ?
If you have an admin or moderator in your server, how do you give them their rights? Do you have a command such as /setadmin [playerid] ?

Re: ADmin CMD Permission HElp - Strider1997 - 07.07.2015

yes i've that cmd

Re: ADmin CMD Permission HElp - Sithis - 07.07.2015

Originally Posted by Strider1997
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yes i've that cmd
Please show the code of that command. If we know how the rights are assigned, we can help you with your problem.