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Mysql - RowdyrideR - 06.07.2015

Hello guys,

Okay listen i have searched and read but understood almost nothing,So please i don't want to see the "Search" thingy said.

I'm running a TDM server but using Y_ini which is out of date.
So i'm now looking to start using Mysql.

So which Plugin do you suggest?


Re: Mysql - RuNBoY - 06.07.2015

This is good :

Re: Mysql - Vince - 06.07.2015

Y_Ini is not out of date and is arguably still the best INI system. Do not start with SQL without basic knowledge. It doesn't magically make your gamemode faster and could arguably make things worse if used incorrectly. The Structured Query Language is, as its name implies, a whole language which takes time to learn.

Re: Mysql - RowdyrideR - 06.07.2015

Yeah of course Vince, But im looking to use the website database, and i will start learning Mysql first then change.

Thanks guys