Personal opinion -
ZachKnoxx - 04.07.2015
Hello - I've been making a roleplay server for a bit of time, straight from scratch. My question is, would you rather have a command like /help that shows everything at once or an more organized command like /help [option] which categorizes the commands. For example:
Where you just type /help and everything shows up:
Or where you type /help [option]:
Which one do you prefer?
Re: Personal opinion -
Oh - 04.07.2015
Honestly, I'd do it in dialogs or a textdraw. With proper explanation on more than just commands.
Sometimes when there's constant messages appearing in your chat it can be hard to read the client messages.
Re: Personal opinion -
ZachKnoxx - 04.07.2015
Originally Posted by Oh
Honestly, I'd do it in dialogs or a textdraw. With proper explanation on more than just commands.
Sometimes when there's constant messages appearing in your chat it can be hard to read the client messages.
True. I've been thinking of doing a list dialog.
Re: Personal opinion -
rymax99 - 04.07.2015
I find the over usage of dialogs in general annoying. Most commands you can infer what they do, and if not, when you send a command without params, you can easily explain what it's for. If you have a large block of commands for example, a housing system, I'd make a separate parameter for /help for that.
[Help] Use /help x, y, z to view help relating to those things
[Help] Basic commands: /saveaccount, /report, etc
Re: Personal opinion -
Oh - 04.07.2015
Originally Posted by ZachKnoxx
True. I've been thinking of doing a list dialog.
Try something like this.
I never found appeal in client messages for a help system.
Re: Personal opinion -
SickAttack - 04.07.2015
I would prefer an organized dialog. Just like these:
It's not that easy to read the commands on the chat and it somehow lacks of information about the command you are reviewing (if you can even review one, it's just messages).
Same goes for useful information such as help archives. I'd definitely go with dialogs.
Re : Personal opinion -
Terrorizt - 04.07.2015
Look you can make general commands and chat commands in a simple command called /commands.
About the admin commands, house commands u can simply use /ahelp, /hhelp etc
Re: Personal opinion -
Onfroi - 04.07.2015
I personally don't like dialogs for this, because you have to close the dialog to test the command, and then open it again to see other commands. If it's just a client text you see it all at once.
Re: Personal opinion -
ZachKnoxx - 04.07.2015
Originally Posted by SickAttack
I would prefer an organized dialog. Just like these:
It's not that easy to read the commands on the chat and it somehow lacks of information about the command you are reviewing (if you can even review one, it's just messages).
Same goes for useful information such as help archives. I'd definitely go with dialogs.
I like that style.
Originally Posted by Onfroi
I personally don't like dialogs for this, because you have to close the dialog to test the command, and then open it again to see other commands. If it's just a client text you see it all at once.
Yes, I was thinking of making a "print" button which would send a SendClientMessageEx for all commands listed in the category.
Re: Personal opinion -
Oh - 04.07.2015
Originally Posted by Vince
Commands suck. Use event handlers wherever possible. Key presses, checkpoints, pickups, entering an area, ... No one likes to type much.
It's a roleplay server, therefore shouldn't they be a fan of typing lol?
I don't really see the point of using key presses just for a help menu, checkpoints/pickups/entering an area everytime they need to know a command?
0.3 seconds to type /help, a dialog list would be useful I like how you did the description I might need to use that feature in our updated help menu.
Re: Personal opinion -
$Marco$ - 05.07.2015
I prefer a text kind doesn't matter what it is, hate those dialogs... argh!
Re: Personal opinion -
AndySedeyn - 05.07.2015
I like dialogs more than I like client messages for this kind of stuff. Though, I must partly agree with Vince. I don't hate using commands in general, but I rather hate them when it are commands you have to use a lot. For example: entering and leaving an interior. Most servers require you to type a command (/enter, /exit). Please, for the sake of convenience, use event handlers for that.
Re: Personal opinion -
SoldierX - 05.07.2015
Re: Personal opinion -
Cutt3r - 06.07.2015
/help xyz would be my personal favorite.
Either that or a well structured menu.
Re: Personal opinion -
haZh - 06.07.2015
Originally Posted by SickAttack
I would prefer an organized dialog. Just like these:
^this. If you are going for a list style menu like this, make sure you can select and execute those commands from the menu too.
Re: Personal opinion -
rymax99 - 06.07.2015
Either way you do it, just keep it structured and clean and I don't think there'll be problems. I strongly dislike it when servers use dialog for everything which have terrible structure. I especially hate it when servers use dialog for listing commands and don't even provide a brief description of what the command does!