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Please help - Printable Version

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Please help - DarkScimitar - 30.06.2015

I got a rp servere WGRP

how to fix

I:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Ultimate Roleplay\pawno\include\ : fatal error 111: user error: _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit defined

Re: Please help - iTakelot - 30.06.2015

PHP код:
#define  _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit 
Add it somewhere

Re: Please help - Monotox - 30.06.2015

Originally Posted by iTakelot
Посмотреть сообщение
PHP код:
#define  _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit 
Add it somewhere
Pare de comentar o que nгo sabe sу para ganhar posts, ainda mais fora da бrea PT/BR.

You are following the instructions?

Re: Please help - iTakelot - 30.06.2015

kkkkkkkk!, tem que rir. eu ajudo aqui tambйm amigo