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Need a small help with stock. - Printable Version

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Need a small help with stock. - Sc0pion - 29.06.2015


Re: Need a small help with stock. - BroZeus - 29.06.2015

PHP код:
stock IsPlayerAllowedToBuyHouse(playerid)
score GetPlayerScore(playerid);//better to call func once rather than calling everytime for checking score.
if(score 1000)return false;//cant own any house if score is less than 1000
for(new 0MAX_HOUSES++)
//you can return a value directly from loop no need for that 'break'
if(strcmp(hInfo[i][Owner], nametrue) == 0count ++;
count == 3)return false;   
score 10000 && count == 0) return true;
score >= 10000 && score 20000 && count 2)return true;

Re: Need a small help with stock. - Sc0pion - 29.06.2015


Re : Need a small help with stock. - AlexBlack - 29.06.2015

try to replace this :

PHP код:
        if(strcmp(hInfo[i][Owner], nametrue) == 0count ++; 
PHP код:
        if(!strcmp(hInfo[i][Owner], name)) count ++; 

Re: Re : Need a small help with stock. - Sc0pion - 29.06.2015


Re: Need a small help with stock. - Jefff - 29.06.2015

pawn Код:
stock IsPlayerAllowedToBuyHouse(playerid)
    new Score = GetPlayerScore(playerid);
    if(Score < 1000) return 0;

    new count, name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_HOUSES; i ++)
        if(hInfo[i][Owner][0] && strcmp(hInfo[i][Owner], name) == 0)
            if(++count >= 3) // player has got 3 houses
                return 0;

    if(Score < 10000 && !count) return 1;
    if(10000 <= Score < 20000 && count < 2) return 1;
    if(Score > 20000) return 1;
    return 0;

Re: Need a small help with stock. - Sc0pion - 29.06.2015
