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[GameMode] Basic COD Gamemode - Printable Version

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Basic COD Gamemode - Youssef221 - 26.06.2015

Hello everyone, this is my first release, a Basic COD Gamemode scripted by me.

Show Us Some screenshots About it please?:

What Are The Features?:

Well, since it's basic, there is only some few features which are:

1- Spawn protection.
2- Buying weapons from /shop.
3- Weather system.
4- Time system.

What are the commands?:

For normal player: /help /rules /cmds /report /shop.
For RCON admin: /setweather [weatherid] /settime [Hours] [Minutes]

Download Link Please?:

4shared PWN:
4shared AMX:

How To Run It?:

You will need YINI include from here.
You will need sscanf2 include from here.
You will need zcmd include from here.

When done downloading these includes, you will need only 2 plugins:

Whirlpool (from here).
sscanf (from here).

When done downloading these plugins, you will need to create a folder in scriptfiles called: Players.

Then put the gamemode in the gamemodes folder, then open the server.cfg and edit your gamemode name to: gamemode0 COD

Finally, the server will successfully run.

Gamemode Credits:
Youssef221 (Me) [Scripting]

NOTE: Be kind and keep the credits please.

Re: Basic COD Gamemode - ZaBraNjeNi - 26.06.2015

Not bad.
It's a very useful for beginners who want to start COD server.

Re: Basic COD Gamemode - GamingPro - 26.06.2015

Awesome gamemode for beginners.

Re: Basic COD Gamemode - Konverse - 26.06.2015

Not bad. This is really interesting to learn the basic COD game mode. Well done

Re: Basic COD Gamemode - Youssef221 - 26.06.2015

Thank you guys

Re: Basic COD Gamemode - abou3meir - 26.06.2015

Not bad, thank you.

Re: Basic COD Gamemode - AroseKhanNiazi - 26.06.2015

Youssef it's the same old server we used to play on ? How cool were those days.

Re: Basic COD Gamemode - Youssef221 - 26.06.2015

Yea, AroseKhanNiazi, it was 2 years old back then

Re: Basic COD Gamemode - Alex Magaсa - 26.06.2015

Nice basic, it's good a bit simple! but keep it up!

Re: Basic COD Gamemode - X337 - 26.06.2015

Good job, thanks for sharing.

Re: Basic COD Gamemode - LazyB0y - 26.06.2015

Good Job! +rep