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Hours , Mins saving system in Mysql - Printable Version

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Hours , Mins saving system in Mysql - STONEGOLD - 23.06.2015

Well, I want to know how to save hours , mins.

I know how to save but idk how does it work . I mean, where should i put "PlayerInfo[playerid][Phours]" ? under function of time? or what. Can u give me function.

Re: Hours , Mins saving system in Mysql - Inn0cent - 23.06.2015

Do you even have player time online system in your script?

Re: Hours , Mins saving system in Mysql - AlonzoTorres - 23.06.2015


Re: Hours , Mins saving system in Mysql - STONEGOLD - 23.06.2015

Nah, I don't have. I just have mysql saving system. But it does not save because i need a function where i can put this "PlayerInfo[playerid][Pmins]" so it saves players total mins of playing.

I didn't get this gettime function. Can you explain me more please. I mean, Where should i put this on gettime so it can save my online time.

Re: Hours , Mins saving system in Mysql - Inn0cent - 23.06.2015

public OnPlayerLogin(playerid, password) 
  Give a MySQL query to load a time online of player from the db then set it to variable.
  playerOnline[playerid] = Data Fetched from the DB;
  curronline[playerid] = gettime(); 
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, password) 
   new time_new = playerOnline[playerid] + (gettime() - curronline[playerid]);
   And give a MySQL query to save a time online of a player.
   And it will save the time in milliseconds. 