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Which object streamer can hold the most objects? - Printable Version

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Which object streamer can hold the most objects? - SPFoxy - 12.12.2008


does anyone know which object streamer can hold the most objects in one place without crashing when u go near it



Re: Which object streamer can hold the most objects? - AiVAMAN - 12.12.2008

Maybie xObjects?

Re: Which object streamer can hold the most objects? - RoBo - 12.12.2008

I found Y_Objects to be the most reliable and use the least CPU power.

Re: Which object streamer can hold the most objects? - ReV. - 13.12.2008

Y_Objects uses alot of cpu

not really to stable for objects you'll keep falling off at some point

xObjects is more stable but doesnt hold too many objects


yea its though :P

Re: Which object streamer can hold the most objects? - GTA44 - 13.12.2008

I'm a long-time xObjects user and I'd say that is what you should best go for, and as long as you get all your streaming and updating settings right, you should be able to have many objects in a single area without lag/crash.

Re: Which object streamer can hold the most objects? - Headhunter - 13.12.2008

YSI2 Is the fastest and handles theoratically 1.000.000 objects. But the disadvantage is that it only works on windows, cause it's a .dll plugin.

Re: Which object streamer can hold the most objects? - kc - 13.12.2008

The more objects there are, and the more players there are, the greater the CPU usage.

So mainly how many you can support is decided by what CPU you have.

Any plugin streamer has an advantage, because of much quicker code execution.

Area based streamers have an advantage also.

e.g. my streamer used a 5 second timer in which it checked all the objects on the map to see which ones were within 1000 of the player.
Then the normal 600ms timer only checks objects that were within 1000 of the player resulting in alot smaller loops and therefore alot less CPU usage.