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Ban System Please Help ++ REP - Printable Version

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Ban System Please Help ++ REP - perfectboy - 20.06.2015

Hi guys i just made a ban sys everything is working fine execpt one prob when someone is banned and he tries to join the server just closes the connection doesn't tell the reason or tell he is banned .

My ban check stock

stock MySQL_BanCheck(playerid)
  new query[200], admin[50], pname[50], IP[16], string1[100];
  GetPlayerIp(playerid, IP, 16);
  format(query, sizeof(query),"SELECT * FROM `bandata` WHERE(`player`='%s') AND `banned`=1 LIMIT 1", escpname(playerid), IP);
  if(mysql_num_rows() != 0)
       mysql_fetch_field_row(admin, "admin");
       mysql_fetch_field_row(pname, "player");
       mysql_fetch_field_row(string1, "reason");

     new string[50], str[50], str1[100];
     format(string, sizeof(string),"Admin: %s", admin);
     format(str, sizeof(str),"Player: %s", pname);
     format(str1, sizeof(str1),"Reason: %s", string1);
     SendClientMessage(playerid, red,"You are banned from this server!");
     SendClientMessage(playerid, red,"___________________");
     SendClientMessage(playerid, red, str);
     SendClientMessage(playerid, red, string);
     SendClientMessage(playerid, red, str1);
     SendClientMessage(playerid, red,"___________________");
     SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "If you think that this BAN was a mistake, then post a screenshot(using F8) on our website");
     SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "");
	 SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "You have been banned from the server please make a unban application at our forum");
	 SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Forum");
  return 1;
See the sql works and if i join with that name it closes the conn it dosent say anything.

Re: Ban System Please Help ++ REP - Konstantinos - 20.06.2015

You need to delay the kick so messages will be shown. An example can be found in the wiki (link above).

Re: Ban System Please Help ++ REP - perfectboy - 20.06.2015

Thanx you bro it really worked thank you. +rep for you