/class command help - Printable Version
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/class command help -
NeamPojma - 19.06.2015
Hey guys i need help how to make /class command.
I want to make when player type /class after death he will get textdraw.
It should work similar like f4 to redirect you to class selection (just to ShowPlayerTextdraw).
Something like if typed /class, OnPlayerDeath, PlayerTextDrawShow , how to make it?
Re: /class command help -
NeamPojma - 20.06.2015
Re: /class command help -
Banana_Ghost - 20.06.2015
PHP код:
//Under your command
ForceClassSelection(playerid);//This forces class selection, it won't actually happen until they begin to respawn.
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid,classid)
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,TEXTDRAWID);//Show the textdraw at class selection.
return 1;
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,TEXTDRAWID);//Hide the textdraw when they request to spawn from class selection.
return 1;
Replace TEXTDRAWID with your textdraw.
Re: /class command help -
NeamPojma - 20.06.2015
Sorry i said class selection but i mean other one.(class which give you weapon)
Here is what i want :
Here is my command:
How to make it show that textdraws onplayerspawn if /class is typed?