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how much greater is this float - Printable Version

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how much greater is this float - AIped - 19.06.2015

Okay just a question

Here i can do 'something' if the last float is greater then the first.
pawn Код:
if(floatcmp(fr[2],col[2])== -1)
  SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"GREAT HUH?");
But how would i script it if i want to check that col[2] is just a bit greater ( so i could add my own number to it)?
i mean col[2] is greater yes but what if i want to return only if its greater than 1.6 or something ?

I hope you understood what i meant. i find it difficult to explain.

Re: how much greater is this float - ikey07 - 19.06.2015

Just use col[2] > fr[2]

Re: how much greater is this float - AIped - 19.06.2015

i want to check if fr[2] is 1.6 greater than col[2]

AW: Re: how much greater is this float - Kaliber - 19.06.2015

Originally Posted by AIped
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i want to check if fr[2] is 1.6 greater than col[2]

if(fr[2]-col[2] > 1.6)

Re: AW: Re: how much greater is this float - AIped - 19.06.2015

Originally Posted by Kaliber
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if(fr[2]-col[2] > 1.6)
Ah yes ofcourse thanks