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Convert FS to INC - Printable Version

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Convert FS to INC - INKISICION - 16.06.2015

I wonder as I define it for use in a Gamemode and FS
as it gives me these errors

in my FS
#include <MyInc>

and errors

error 021: symbol already defined: "Streamer_OnPlayerConnect"
error 021: symbol already defined: "ppb_OnPlayerDisconnect"

PHP код:
new pMoney[MAX_PLAYERS];
//Code - for use as .INC
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
pMoney[playerid] = 0;
pMoney[playerid] = 0;
stock a_GivePlayerMoney(playeridmoney)
pMoney[playerid] += money;
stock a_SetPlayerMoney(playeridmoney)
pMoney[playerid] = money;

Re: Convert FS to INC - b3nz - 16.06.2015

To use it in an include, you need to hook the callbacks, because it conflicts with other includes (in this case - streamer plugin's include and one more which I don't know.)

Take a look or this:

Or, you could use y_hooks, although I wouldn't recommend to use it if you're going to use the whole YSI library for this script only.

Re: Convert FS to INC - INKISICION - 16.06.2015

Thanks for your help