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How to save a simple string with Y_INI, SSCANF and ZCMD - Printable Version

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How to save a simple string with Y_INI, SSCANF and ZCMD - shocktheripper - 15.06.2015

The title says it all, I have been looking around for a while, but I can't still find anything.

Here's a simple example:

PHP код:
savetext [text1] [text2
Yes, I am willing to give some rep points.

Re: How to save a simple string with Y_INI, SSCANF and ZCMD - bgedition - 15.06.2015

@shocktheripper '/save' already exists by default from SA:MP Client to save positions on-foot and in-vehicle. One more thing you don't need to use y_ini for this command. You can use the simplest codes by the sa-mp team. (I mean fopen, fclose etc.)

Re: How to save a simple string with Y_INI, SSCANF and ZCMD - shocktheripper - 15.06.2015

Originally Posted by bgedition
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@shocktheripper '/save' already exists by default from SA:MP Client to save positions on-foot and in-vehicle.
That's just an example.

Re: How to save a simple string with Y_INI, SSCANF and ZCMD - DarkLouis - 16.06.2015

You can do this:
new txt[50], txt2[50];
s [50], s [50]

format (text1, sizeof text1, txt);
format (text2, sizeof text2, txt2);

I'm from smartphone so...