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MySQL problem [EASY, ++REP] - Printable Version

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MySQL problem [EASY, ++REP] - MarcGonzales - 15.06.2015

well, here it gets me arguement type mismatch

PHP код:
    if(dialogid == DIALOG_REGISTER)
strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_REGISTERDIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD"Register""You should enter a password in order to continue""Register""Quit");
query[200], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], tmp;
format(querysizeof(query), "SELECT id FROM accounts ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
tmp tmp 1;
format(querysizeof(query), "INSERT INTO accounts(id, name, password) VALUES ('%i', '%s','%s')"tmppNameinputtext);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"You have been registered");

Re: MySQL problem [EASY, ++REP] - MarcGonzales - 15.06.2015

to make it easier, can I get something outside of mysql database(table) and use it generally in coding?

if it needs sscanf, please tell me how

Like that ID example

Re: MySQL problem [EASY, ++REP] - Vince - 15.06.2015

Ugh, just use auto increment. And hash the passwords. And never use user input in a query without sanitizing it.

Re: MySQL problem [EASY, ++REP] - mamorunl - 15.06.2015

You are getting a tag mismatch exception on 20 rows of code? Specify your row and don't let people guess.

Re: MySQL problem [EASY, ++REP] - MarcGonzales - 15.06.2015

Originally Posted by mamorunl
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You are getting a tag mismatch exception on 20 rows of code? Specify your row and don't let people guess.
mysql_get_field("id", tmp);

Re: MySQL problem [EASY, ++REP] - Konstantinos - 15.06.2015

The second parameter must have been a string instead of an integer.

But.. do what Vince said, plus I suggest you to learn how to use threaded queries and update to R39-3.