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gettime not working - Printable Version

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gettime not working - DetoNater - 15.06.2015

Actually the gettime function isn't working.

Here's my code.

	new id,days,reason[128],string[128],string2[128],string3[128];
	if(AdminLevel{playerid} < 1) return SendLangMessage(playerid, _COLOR_RED2, "Du hast keine Berechtigung dafьr!","You are not authorized to use this command","No estas autorizado a usar este comando");
	else if(sscanf(params, "iis[128]", id, days, reason)) return SendLangMessage(playerid, _COLOR_WHITE, "Benutzung: /tban [ID] [TAGE] [Grund]","Usage: /tban [ID] [DAYS] [REASON]","Uso: /tban [ID] [DAYS] [REASON]");
	else if(!IsPlayerConnected(id)) return SendLangMessage(playerid, _COLOR_WHITE, "Spieler nicht gefunden!","Player not found!","Jugador no encontrado!");
	else if(days < 1 || days > 30) return SendLangMessage(playerid, _COLOR_WHITE, "Die Tage mьssen zwischen 1 und 30 sein!","Days must be between 1 and 30!","Los dias deben ser entre 1 y 30!");
	new unbandate = gettime() + (days * 86400); //<-----------------------
	new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"undercover") == 0) name = PlayerName(playerid);
	else name = RealName(playerid);
	if(AdminLevel{playerid} == 255) name = "RCON_Admin";
	format(string,sizeof(string),"TEMP-BAN until: %s    %s",TimestampToDate(unbandate,1),reason);
	WriteBanToFile(id, name, string);
	if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"undercover") == 0)
		format(string,sizeof(string),"ADMIN: %s wurde von Admin %s fьr %d Tag(e) gebannt. [Grund: %s]",PlayerName(id),name,days,reason);
		format(string2,sizeof(string2),"ADMIN: %s was banned by Admin %s for %d day(s). [Reason: %s]",PlayerName(id),name,days,reason);
		format(string3,sizeof(string3),"ADMIN: %s fue baneado por el admin %s por %d dia(s). [Razуn: %s]",PlayerName(id),name,days,reason);
	else SendFakeKickMessage(id);
	SendClientMessage(id,_COLOR_RED," ");
 	SendClientMessage(id,_COLOR_RED," ");
		case 0: format(string,sizeof(string),"Du bist aus diesem server fьr %i tag(e) vorrьbergehend verbannt!",days);
		case 1: format(string,sizeof(string),"You are temporarily banned from this server for %i day(s)!",days);
		case 2: format(string,sizeof(string),"Estas temporalmente baneado de este servidor por %i dia(s)!",days);
		case 0: format(string, sizeof(string), "Grund: %s",reason);
		case 1: format(string, sizeof(string), "Reason: %s",reason);
		case 2: format(string, sizeof(string), "Razуn: %s",reason);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Admin: %s",name);
		case 0: format(string, sizeof(string), "Datum: %s",TimestampToDate(gettime(),1));
		case 1: format(string, sizeof(string), "Date: %s",TimestampToDate(gettime(),1));
		case 2: format(string, sizeof(string), "Fecha: %s",TimestampToDate(gettime(),1));
    format(string, sizeof(string), "IP: %s",p_IP[id]);
    SendLangMessage(id,_COLOR_RED,"Falls der Ban nicht gerechtfertig ist, oder du es klar stellen mцchtest, bitte ich Dich mit F8 ein Bild zu machen","If the ban is not correct, or for clarification take a screenshot with F8","Si el ban es un erros, o para aclaraciуn, toma una captura de pantalla con F8");
    SendLangMessage(id,_COLOR_RED,"und es umgehend auf zu posten!","and report it immediately at!","y reportalo inmediatamente en!");
    SendLangMessage(id,_COLOR_RED,"MfG die Admins","Regards, the Admins","Saludos, los Admins");
	return 1;
When I open my database and see the date is 0000.00.00

Help me out, thanks

Re: gettime not working - Sergei - 15.06.2015

Looks like your TimestampToDate is broken then. gettime cannot not work.

Re: gettime not working - DetoNater - 16.06.2015

how to add time stamp to this ??

Re: gettime not working - McBan - 16.06.2015

/timestamp or go to your logs and it should be beside the logs (inside the file)

Re: gettime not working - J0sh... - 16.06.2015

Originally Posted by McBan
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/timestamp or go to your logs and it should be beside the logs (inside the file)
He doesn't want that.

Re: gettime not working - Lajko1 - 16.06.2015

EDIT: nvm sent wrong answer

Re: gettime not working - DetoNater - 17.06.2015

I need help please, weather time stamp is missing ore other problems ?

Re: gettime not working - SecretBoss - 17.06.2015

Originally Posted by DetoNater
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I need help please, weather time stamp is missing ore other problems ?
I think you can use to get the time, but I am not sure anyway if I will find time I will check I gamemode a have with /tban system and I will help you