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Pawn Compile has Stopped Working - Printable Version

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Pawn Compile has Stopped Working - ChromeAmazing - 14.06.2015

Everytime I try to compile, it complains it's no longer responding. I check for missing brackets and found nothing, anyway to fix this?

Re: Pawn Compile has Stopped Working - AndySedeyn - 14.06.2015

You added something recently that caused it to crash. Comment out the code that you have added recently till it no longer crashes. You then know where the code is that causes the compiler to crash.

Re: Pawn Compile has Stopped Working - Ahmad45123 - 14.06.2015

We can't really help without the code...

Just do what @AndySedeyn said, Comment your latest changes and see if it compiles well.
Keep doing that until you find the part that crashes it then reply here with that part so we tell you what to edit.