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Trailer Attach to Truck - Printable Version

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Trailer Attach to Truck - Sn4ke2 - 12.06.2015

Okay, so I make command
PHP код:
gPlayerLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_LIGHTRED"Trebuie sa te loghezi mai intai.");
idcar GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] != 14) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"{FFF8C6}You are not a Trucker.");
IsATruck(idcar) && GetPlayerState(playerid) != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"{FFF8C6}This vehicle does not truck or you are not driver.");
IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid50.0, -63.6036,-1128.5824,1.0781)) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"{FFF8C6}You are not the place where you can get products.");
//new Trucker = CreateVehicle(515,-77.2527,-1128.5070,2.0876,68.5459,3,77,9000); //  Trucker
new TrailerID CreateVehicle(450,-68.6366,-1132.4463,2.0863,63.8751,3,77,9000); // Trucker si remorca
    //ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_TRANSPORT, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Product:", "Legal Products\nIllegal Products", "Select", "Close");
new Float:pX,Float:pY,Float:pZ;

I did this command when writing / work wherever you are attach the trailer to truck

BUT! Not work, i don't know why

He give me the trailer to this Coordonates
PHP код:
new TrailerID CreateVehicle(450,-68.6366,-1132.4463,2.0863,63.8751,3,77,9000); // Trucker si remorca 
where is trailer create!
Help me Guys!

Re: Trailer Attach to Truck - rappy93 - 12.06.2015

The trailer is created at X = -68.6366, Y = -1132.4463 and Z = 2.0863 as the code clearly states.

Re: Trailer Attach to Truck - Sn4ke2 - 12.06.2015

this i know...,how to create trailer but in same time to attach to vehcile wherever vehicle are ?

Re: Trailer Attach to Truck - rappy93 - 12.06.2015

PHP код:
new TrailerID CreateVehicle(450,-68.6366,-1132.4463,2.0863,63.8751,3,77,9000); // Trucker si remorca  
new vehicleid GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); // Asta este tirul tau. 
AttachTrailerToVehicle(TrailerIDvehicleid); // Iar cu asta vei putea atasa remorca la tir. 
I gave you some explanations in romanian, this should be all you need to attach the trailer to the vehicle.

Re: Trailer Attach to Truck - Sn4ke2 - 12.06.2015

dude, i know,BUT i want to create and attach trailer wherever are VEHICLE!
If vehicle as this coord : 0,0,0 then attach and create the trailer at this coord.

Re: Trailer Attach to Truck - rappy93 - 12.06.2015

RO : Macar de ai fi cautat pe Wiki ,nu e greu, dar nah, lenea e mare. Uite cum se face:
EN : If only you'd have searched the wiki, its not hard, but meh, lazy people! Here is how to do that :
PHP код:
new vehicleid GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); // Asta este tirul tau.  
new Float:vehxFloat:vehyFloat:vehz// cream variable sa stocam pozitia tirului tau   
new Float:z_rot// Rotatia masinii
GetVehiclePos(vehicleidvehxvehyvehz); // Salvam pozitia tirului tau.
TrailerID CreateVehicle(450vehx+2vehy+2vehz+2z_rot,3,77,9000); // Cream remorca la coordonatele tale curente.
AttachTrailerToVehicle(TrailerIDvehicleid); // Iar cu asta vei putea atasa remorca la tir. 
This should work, I didn't test it.

Re: Trailer Attach to Truck - Sn4ke2 - 12.06.2015

please give me the link of wikipedia page

Re: Trailer Attach to Truck - rappy93 - 12.06.2015

Main Page of SAMP Wiki :

GetVehiclePos =

GetVehicleZAngle =

CreateVehicle =

AttachTrailerToVehicle =

Re: Trailer Attach to Truck - Sn4ke2 - 12.06.2015
