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Problems ..HELP ME ! - Printable Version

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Problems ..HELP ME ! - jazzyKISS - 11.06.2015

Hi ! I asked this question because I want to add a new job .. and when I do this tangle id cars!
I followed this tutorial but in my GM appears so:
public IsAnOwnableCar(carid)
	for(new i = 1; i < sizeof(ownedcar); i++)
	    if(carid == ownedcar[i]) return 1;
	return 0;
Here is the job that I want to add ..Totu going well, but when I add my tangle IDs cars - especially cars in DS.
Link jobs :

Re: Problems ..HELP ME ! - jazzyKISS - 11.06.2015

up ! Help me ?

Re: Problems ..HELP ME ! - mamorunl - 11.06.2015

tangle id cars? Please explain more because it doesn't make sense.

Re: Problems ..HELP ME ! - jazzyKISS - 11.06.2015

When I add my job id tangle of cars on the server (Infernus shows me climb in her car but the car is actually Uranus,car shows me that after giving / v park)
P.S : Sorry for mistakes
Do not sit well with English

Re: Problems ..HELP ME ! - mamorunl - 12.06.2015

Alright, but the Ids get mixed up when you add that job and not otherwise?

Re: Problems ..HELP ME ! - jazzyKISS - 12.06.2015

It is okay to add the job server.
After adding the job id tangle cars

Re: Problems ..HELP ME ! - mamorunl - 12.06.2015

Alright, so when your job vehicle spawns, the IDs for your Dealership get mixed up?