I need to learn! - Printable Version
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I need to learn! -
Rabea - 06.06.2015
Hello everyone.
I have scripting knowledge, I already downloaded MANY filterscripts and tried to learn, even I was taking from other gamemodes, in how to make vehicle/dealership system with loadingvehicles using Y_ini, as I learned it needs LoadVehicles and SaveVehicles. I am here to request few informations about it, what you say will help me.
Re: I need to learn! -
nezo2001 - 06.06.2015
Y_INI isn't work cuz ****** left samp and didn't update the include
Re: I need to learn! -
Ritzy2K - 06.06.2015
Originally Posted by nezo2001
Y_INI isn't work cuz ****** left samp and didn't update the include
What? :/ you dont make sense lol.
OT: what exactly u need help with?
Re: I need to learn! -
Rabea - 06.06.2015
Hmm, explain enum VehicleInfo, tell me how to make 3 vehicles slots and make an example buying command
Re: I need to learn! -
Rabea - 06.06.2015
Re: I need to learn! -
Yashas - 06.06.2015
[Tutorial]Enumerators (enums). What they actually are?
Re: I need to learn! -
Rabea - 06.06.2015
How I can make /buycar command that creates an car for the typer?
Re: I need to learn! -
Rabea - 07.06.2015
Re: I need to learn! -
NoDi522 - 07.06.2015
If you need something like Vehicle system,please search the forum.
Here is /v(ehicle) command which creates vehicle of model which you want with colors 1-2 near your position.
PHP код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <sscanf2>
#define COLOR_BLUE "{00C0FF}" // We are defining color blue which we are going to use late.
new IDvehicle,color1,color2, Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
if(sscanf(params,"iii",IDvehicle,color1,color2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Syntax | /v (vehicleid) (color1) (color2)");
if(IDvehicle < 400 || IDvehicle > 611) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"{F81414}Greska:{FFFFFF} Odaberite ID vozila izmedu [400-611]");
if(color1 < 0 || color1 > 255) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"{F81414}Greska:{FFFFFF} Odaberite boju(1) izmedu [0-255]");
if(color2 < 0 || color2 > 255) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"{F81414}Greska:{FFFFFF} Odaberite boju(2) izmedu [0-255]");
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); // We are taking player's position.
CreateVehicle(IDvehicle, x + 3, y, z, 0, color1,color2, -1); // Here we created vehicle on player's position
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{00C0FF}SERVER:{FFFFFF} You created vehicle on your position.");
return 1;
For this to work you will need sscanf and zcmd:
If you want to add some more colors :
Model of vehicles you can find here:
Colors you can find here:
Re: I need to learn! -
Rabea - 07.06.2015
if you really read the topic good, you won't post this.