Problem while loading bussnieses from 'biz' table [MySQL] -
CaTaLinU - 01.06.2015
Hello , first of all i wanna tell u that i'm sorry for my bad english, now let me tell u my problem:
original biz number was 8, in database -> biz table
i've tryed to make a new biz, with id 9 but after restarting the GM will no longer load ...
if i delete from mysql database biz with id 9 and restart again , the server will work perfectly ..
Functie LoadBizz()
new result[100],index = 0;
mysql_query(SQL,"SELECT * FROM `bizz` ORDER BY `bizz`.`ID` ASC");
new i = index;
mysql_get_field("ID", result); BizzInfo[i][bID] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("Owned", result); BizzInfo[i][bOwned] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("Owner", result); strmid(BizzInfo[i][bOwner], result, 0, 32, 32);
mysql_get_field("Message", result); strmid(BizzInfo[i][bMessage], result, 0, 100, 100);
mysql_get_field("EntranceX", result); BizzInfo[i][bEntranceX] = floatstr(result);
mysql_get_field("EntranceY", result); BizzInfo[i][bEntranceY] = floatstr(result);
mysql_get_field("EntranceZ", result); BizzInfo[i][bEntranceZ] = floatstr(result);
mysql_get_field("ExitX", result); BizzInfo[i][bExitX] = floatstr(result);
mysql_get_field("ExitY", result); BizzInfo[i][bExitY] = floatstr(result);
mysql_get_field("ExitZ", result); BizzInfo[i][bExitZ] = floatstr(result);
mysql_get_field("LevelNeeded", result); BizzInfo[i][bLevelNeeded] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("BuyPrice", result); BizzInfo[i][bBuyPrice] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("EntranceCost", result); BizzInfo[i][bEntranceCost] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("Till", result); BizzInfo[i][bTill] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("Locked", result); BizzInfo[i][bLocked] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("Interior", result); BizzInfo[i][bInterior] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("Products", result); BizzInfo[i][bProducts] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("MaxProducts", result); BizzInfo[i][bMaxProducts] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("PriceProd", result); BizzInfo[i][bPriceProd] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("Virtual", result); BizzInfo[i][bVirtual] = strval(result);
printf("Bussines: %d", index);
return 1;
and "LoadBizz();" in "OnGameModeInit" .....
Re: Problem while loading bussnieses from 'biz' table [MySQL] -
MotherDucker - 01.06.2015
What version of mysql are you running on? and could you post your mysql_log?
Re: Problem while loading bussnieses from 'biz' table [MySQL] -
CaTaLinU - 01.06.2015
Solved, i had to declare first the new biz id
Re: Problem while loading bussnieses from 'biz' table [MySQL] -
MotherDucker - 05.06.2015
Alright, fair enough and also.. You're not running on R39 if you're using them functions... unless it is custom, because most of them such as mysql_free_result and mysql_get_field