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YINI problem - Printable Version

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YINI problem - kepa333 - 31.05.2015

Aight so earlier tonight i got that feeling like "I can do this i can convert this shit" so i went forThis tutorial. And it went pretty smooth until i first came in game and noticed big lag, files are saving correctly everything works fine just it lags way more than in old system.

Old saving system went something like that:

format(var, 128, "Level=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]);fwrite(hFile, var);
New saving system goes like that:

stock SavePlayer(playerid)
    new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid));
    return 1;
Old loading system:

if( strcmp( key , "Weed" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pWeed] = strval( val ); }
New loading system:

forward LoadUserP_data(playerid,name[],value[]);
public LoadUserP_data(playerid,name[],value[])
	INI_String("Key", PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey], 129);
	return 1;
forward LoadUser_data(playerid,name[],value[]);
public LoadUser_data(playerid,name[],value[])

	INI_String("CrimeReason",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrimeReason], 129);
        return 1;
I am looping and saving all players data every 1000ms (I will change this later but just to see if it is better than old system which was under on player update).
This is how user data looks like
Password = 244646706
Weed = 0
Seed = 0
Level = 1
Spawn = 0
TesterLevel = 0
HelperLevel = 0
AdminLevel = 0
RegularRank = 0
UpgradePoints = 0
ConnectedTime = 7
Registered = 1
Sex = 1
Age = 0
GPS = 0
Origin = 0
CK = 0
Muted = 0
Frozen = 0
Blind = 0
Respect = 0
Money = 0
Bank = 0
Crimes = 0
CrimeReason = None
Wanted = 0
WantedLevel = 0
Kills = 0
Deaths = 0
WhyLeft = 
Arrested = 0
WantedDeaths = 0
Phonebook = 0
LottoNr = 0
Fishes = 0
BiggestFish = 0
Job = 0
Paycheck = 7
HeadValue = 0
Jailed = 0
JailTime = 0
CanRobTime = 0
Materials = 0
Addicted = 0
Drugs = 0
Leader = 0
Member = 0
FMember = 255
Rank = 0
Char = 0
ContractTime = 0
DetSkill = 0
SexSkill = 0
BoxSkill = 0
LawSkill = 0
MechSkill = 0
JackSkill = 0
CarSkill = 0
NewsSkill = 0
DrugsSkill = 0
CookSkill = 0
FishSkill = 0
pSHealth = 0.000000
pHealth = 50.000000
pArmour = 0.000000
Int = 0
InteriorNr = 0
Local = 255
Team = 3
Model = 101
PhoneNr = 931674
Car = 999
Car2 = 999
Car3 = 999
House = 999
Bizz = 255
Pos_x = 1726.627075
Pos_y = -1880.137939
Pos_z = 13.629199
Passport = 0
CarLic = 0
CarLicS = 0
FlyLic = 0
FlyLicS = 0
BoatLic = 0
BoatLicS = 0
FishLic = 0
FishLicS = 0
GunLic = 0
GunLicS = 0
CopLic = 0
CopLicS = 0
CarTime = 0
PayDay = 0
PayTax = 0
PayDayHad = 0
Watch = 0
Crashed = 0
Wins = 0
Loses = 0
AlcoholPerk = 0
DrugPerk = 0
MiserPerk = 0
PainPerk = 0
TraderPerk = 0
Tutorial = 0
VirWorld = 0
Fuel = 0
Married = 0
 = 0
FishTool = 0
Note1 = None
Note1s = 0
Note2 = None
Note2s = 0
Note3 = None
Note3s = 0
Note4 = None
Note4s = 0
Note5 = None
Note5s = 0
InvWeapon = 0
InvAmmo = 0
InvWeapon2 = 0
InvAmmo2 = 0
InvWeapon3 = 0
InvAmmo3 = 0
InvAmmo4 = 0
InvWeapon5 = 0
InvAmmo5 = 0
InvWeapon6 = 0
InvAmmo6 = 0
Lighter = 0
Cigarettes = 0
Beer = 0
Sprunk = 0
Warnings = 0
Swat = 0
Fighting = 0
Boxing = 0
KneeHead = 0
KungFu = 0
GrabKick = 0
Elbow = 0
Tactical = 0
SpecialF = 0
SpecialD = 0
SpecialB = 0
ArmyTicket = 0
Judge = 0
DJ = 0
IRCChannel = 0
DutyBanned = 0
ServerBanned = 0
DDManager = 0
OnDuty = 0
DDTicket = 0
DDSTicket = 0
CDPlayer = 0
Speedo = 0
HydraDriver = 0
HunterDriver = 0
RhinoDriver = 0
PredatorDriver = 0
ViewPms = 0
AppearList = 1
AmmunationTime = 0
PistolSkill = 0
SilencedSkill = 0
DesertSkill = 0
ShotgunSkill = 0
SawnoffSkill = 0
CombatSkill = 0
UziSkill = 0
SMGSkill = 0
AK47Skill = 0
M4Skill = 0
SniperSkill = 0
TutorialDone = 0
RegularCount = 143999
PassportTime = 599
OfficerTime = 0
Achievement0 = 0
Achievement1 = 0
Achievement2 = 0
Achievement3 = 0
Achievement4 = 0
Achievement5 = 0
Achievement6 = 0
Achievement7 = 0
Achievement9 = 0
Achievement10 = 0
Achievement11 = 0
Achievement12 = 0
Achievement13 = 0
Achievement14 = 0
Achievement15 = 0
Achievement16 = 0
Achievement17 = 0
Achievement18 = 0
Achievement19 = 0
Achievement20 = 0
ShiftName = 0
Weapon = 0
Ammo = 0
Weapon2 = 0
Ammo2 = 0
Weapon3 = 0
Ammo3 = 0
Weapon4 = 0
Ammo4 = 0
Weapon5 = 0
Ammo5 = 0
Weapon6 = 0
Ammo6 = 0
Weapon7 = 0
Ammo7 = 0
Weapon8 = 0
Ammo8 = 0
Weapon9 = 0
Ammo9 = 0
Weapon10 = 0
Ammo10 = 0
Weapon11 = 0
Ammo11 = 0
Weapon12 = 0
Atc = 0
AtcRadio = 0
Pending = 0
PendingInfo = 
ChatMode = 0
Punishment1 = None
Punishment2 = None
Punishment3 = None
Punishment4 = None
Punishment5 = None
Punishment6 = None
Punishment7 = None
Punishment8 = None
NextPunishment = 1
PunishedTimes = 0
TazerBullets = 0
LastSeen = Neve
RegistredDate = 1/6/2015 at 0:23:4
Changed = 0
Carsreseted = 0
GunsSet = 0
Mask = 0
pDBoyLvl = 0
pHasEngine = 0
pHasBattery = 0
pHasTuning = 0
pHasUEngine = 0
DeadTime = 0
LastRevive = 0
IsDead = 0
FPTime = 0
LawyerDone = 0
pAc = 0

Re: YINI problem - kepa333 - 01.06.2015

Bump, if you want more code i can post.

Re: YINI problem - Bennyy - 01.06.2015

Try extending the time that it saves because it could be too quick, I mean that could cause lagg, also post the specs of your vps or host that could also help your lagg situation

Re: YINI problem - kepa333 - 01.06.2015

I am testing this on localhost with this specs, it shouldn't lag with only 1 player online....

Lemme show more code, under onplayerconnect:

This will load player's password if file exsist.
	    INI_ParseFile(UserPath(playerid), "LoadUserP_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);
		gPlayerAccount[playerid] = 1;
		return 1;
		gPlayerAccount[playerid] = 0;
		return 1;
This is under OnPlayerLogin(playerid,password[]) custom function:

		if(strcmp(PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey],password ,false) == 0)
            INI_ParseFile(UserPath(playerid), "LoadUser_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);
Register part:

public OnPlayerRegister(playerid, password[])
			new string[128];
			new playername3[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
			new playersip[24];
			GetPlayerName(playerid, playername3, sizeof(playername3));
			GetPlayerIp(playerid, playersip, sizeof(playersip));
			new File: hFile = fopen(UserPath(playerid), io_write);
   			strmid(PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey], password, 0, strlen(password), 255);
	return 1;
Might be a problem that i am using 2 different functions for loading on same file?

Re: YINI problem - SickAttack - 01.06.2015

Your file is just too big, consider switching to SQL.

Re: YINI problem - kepa333 - 01.06.2015

Originally Posted by SickAttack
Посмотреть сообщение
Your file is just too big, consider switching to SQL.
How comes file is too big ... damn even dini was able to handle it and other slow systems under "OnPlayerUpdate" as i heard YINI is best from inis... it should work like this without a single problem.