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[GameMode] Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - Printable Version

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Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - FrankLucretti - 31.05.2015

Army vs Terrorist 0.3.7


Anti Spawn Kill
No Bugs,
Captureable Gangzones.
2 Teams - Army and Terrorist
6 ClassesSoldier, Sniper, Engineer, Jet-Trooper, Pilot, Spy
Rank System ( Such as, not everybody can drive Hunters, Hydras, Seasparrows or Rhinos! )
And much more

If you need any help, feel free to message me.

Download Link:

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - GamingPro - 31.05.2015

I have seen this GM before!

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - FrankLucretti - 31.05.2015

Originally Posted by GamingPro
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I have seen this GM before!
This cant be, because I didn't published it somewhere else.

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - Younes44 - 31.05.2015

Good job..dude..
it's looking like Extreme Warfare(satheesh's gamemode)

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - FrankLucretti - 31.05.2015

Originally Posted by Younes44
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Good job..dude..
it's looking like Extreme Warfare(satheesh's gamemode)
Thank you very much

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - SpikY_ - 31.05.2015

Originally Posted by GamingPro
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I have seen this GM before!
yeah same. the Class Section is Seen Somewhere else before. :c

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - FrankLucretti - 31.05.2015

Originally Posted by NGEN123
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yeah same. the Class Section is Seen Somewhere else before. :c

Yes, I used a class selection I found which I liked,
This can be changed, it isn't difficult.
If you need help changing it or finding a new one then send me a private message.


Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - Infinity - 01.06.2015

This looks like a large collection of scripts and maps found all over the place. This is even more evident by the fact that large parts of the code have been commented out. In general using released code is okay, but you will have to give credit where credit is due. Right now you're pretending you made it all.

The code itself is a mess. Large parts have been commented out whilst they could have just been removed (do you even know what the code does yourself?). Furthermore, the code is a gigantic mess when it comes to indentation. Not to mention, the code starts with a certain #pragma. Whenever I see this #pragma I cannot take the person who wrote it serious as a scripter. In my opinion, it's one of the worst things one could find in a script.

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - FrankLucretti - 01.06.2015

Originally Posted by Infinity
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This looks like a large collection of scripts and maps found all over the place. This is even more evident by the fact that large parts of the code have been commented out. In general using released code is okay, but you will have to give credit where credit is due. Right now you're pretending you made it all.

The code itself is a mess. Large parts have been commented out whilst they could have just been removed (do you even know what the code does yourself?). Furthermore, the code is a gigantic mess when it comes to indentation. Not to mention, the code starts with a certain #pragma. Whenever I see this #pragma I cannot take the person who wrote it serious as a scripter. In my opinion, it's one of the worst things one could find in a script.

Yeah its not the best script, but I started before 3 Days to script.

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - Team_PRO - 02.06.2015

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - kapilb - 05.06.2015

GOod Job

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - ItzJayz - 07.06.2015

Can someone re-upload the

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - ExcLus - 07.06.2015

Nice Gamemode!

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - FrankLucretti - 07.06.2015

Originally Posted by ExcLus
View Post
Nice Gamemode!
Thank you bro,

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - Ritzy2K - 08.06.2015

No! Not made by you!

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - Stev - 08.06.2015

Originally Posted by [ND]xXZeusXx.
View Post
No! Not made by you!

Re: Basic Army vs Terrorist GAMEMODE 0.3.7 - Dangjai - 08.06.2015

I don't know why everyone copying others GM's atleast give credits for orignal creator.