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I help develop a command - Printable Version

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I help develop a command - Joseito - 28.05.2015

їWhat system try to develop?

I created a system that works with the faction system, which work by id vehicles, eg cars are loaded and have id 0-50 will of the police faction.

їWhat problem I have?

I try to perform a command that works as follows in which only the leader has access to the /Assigned [playerid][idcar][SLOT1-4] that command, I need your help How to do it? , so that when the leader of example only pFaction = 1 can allocate vehicles with id of 1-50 and then if the leader of the Faction = 2 only to the 50-100 and so then, which slots are these

PHP код:
Note:Sorry for my bad English

Re: I help develop a command - SickAttack - 28.05.2015

I don't really get what you're trying to say.
pawn Код:
new range_start = (50 * (pFaction - 1)), range_end = (50 * (pFaction - 1)) + 50;