C:\Users\crввzя\Desktop\New Serv\gamemodes\NES.pwn(4015) : warning 217: loose indentation C:\Users\crввzя\Desktop\New Serv\gamemodes\NES.pwn(24211) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition C:\Users\crввzя\Desktop\New Serv\gamemodes\NES.pwn(29485) : error 001: expected token: "-identifier-", but found "-string-" C:\Users\crввzя\Desktop\New Serv\gamemodes\NES.pwn(29486) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 4) Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 2 Errors.
CMD:cstats( playerid, params[ ] ) { new Player; if ( sscanf( params, "u", Player ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "USAGE: /cstats [PlayerID]" ); if ( !IsPlayerConnected( Player ) ) return SendError( playerid, "Player is not connected !" ); if ( PlayerInfo[ Player ][ ID ] == 0 ) return SendError( playerid, "Player is not in any clan !" ); new H, M, S; ===> Line : 29485 TotalClanTime( Player, H, M, S ); ===> Line : 29486 format( gsString, 512, "\t\t{FF0000}Player Clan Stats:\n\n\ {00FF00}> Clan: {FFFF00}%s\n\ {00FF00}> Points made: {FFFF00}%d\n\ {00FF00}> Deaths: {FFFF00}%d\n", PlayerInfo[ Player ][ Clan ], PlayerInfo[ Player ][ c_points ], PlayerInfo[ Player ][ c_deaths ] ); format( gsString, 512, "%s{00FF00}> Joined in clan: {FFFF00}%s\n\ {00FF00}> Clan Time: {FFFF00}%d:%d:%d\n\n\ {FFFFFF}Use {FF0000}/cstats [PlayerID] {FFFFFF}to see other player clan stats.", gsString, PlayerInfo[ Player ][ JoinedInClan ], H, M, S ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_EMPTY, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}Stats", gsString, "Ok", "" ); return 1; }
If you use #pragma tabsize 0 i think you can solve the first one
Line 24211: CMD:megastunt( playerid, params[ ] ) return NormalTele( playerid, "Mega Stunt", "megastunt", -2940.7786,2627.5505,192.6997,291.6905, -2940.7786,2627.5505,192.6997,291.6905, 0, 0 ), LoadObjects( playerid );
new H, M, S; ===> Line : 29485
TotalClanTime( Player, H, M, S ); ===> Line : 29486
new hh,mm,ss;
TotalClanTime( Player, hh,mm,ss );
C:\Users\crввzя\Desktop\New Serv\gamemodes\NES.pwn(24211) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Warning.
stock NormalTele( playerid, TeleName[ ], CMDName[ ], Float: VX, Float: VY, Float: VZ, Float: VA, Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: A, interior ) { PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0 ); if ( GetPlayerState( playerid ) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER ) { SetVehiclePos( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), VX, VY, VZ ); SetVehicleZAngle( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), VA ); LinkVehicleToInterior( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), interior ); SetCameraBehindPlayer( playerid ); } else { SetPlayerPos( playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z ); SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, Float:A ); SetPlayerInterior( playerid, interior ); } PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ ActionID ] = 0; TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, 1 ); gsString[ 0 ] = EOS; format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "~r~~h~%s ~y~~h~has gone to ~b~~h~%s", PlayerName( playerid ), CMDName ); ShowOnTextDraw( gsString ); format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "~y~Teleported to~n~~r~%s", TeleName ); Announce( playerid, gsString, 3000, 3 ); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 ); SetVehicleVirtualWorld( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), 0 ); return 1; }