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Is there a way to make it work? - Printable Version

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Is there a way to make it work? - Midzi - 21.05.2015


I have one question to you.

I made a script where camera is blocked in one position, and all the time looking at the player.
I used here OPU + SetPlayerCameraLookAt - but this not working very well. There's a lags with that.

Can I make a smooth looking of camera at the player?

PS. Could it be the fault of too slow timer? (40ms.) Could it cause a frame-effect?

Re: Is there a way to make it work? - Macluawn - 22.05.2015

You could try camera transitions

Re: Is there a way to make it work? - Midzi - 22.05.2015

But how?

What should I use to do that?