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warning 213: tag mismatch - Printable Version

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warning 213: tag mismatch - EaglesBill - 21.05.2015

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\script\gamemodes\RP.pwn(44997) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\script\gamemodes\RP.pwn(47696) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\script\gamemodes\RP.pwn(54075) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\script\gamemodes\RP.pwn(54463) : warning 213: tag mismatch
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

4 Warnings.
First warning:
command(breakin, playerid, params[])
	#pragma unused params
	new string[128];
	if(Player[playerid][Group] >= 1)
	    if(Groups[Player[playerid][Group]][CommandTypes] == 4 || Groups[Player[playerid][Group]][CommandTypes] == 1)
			for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(Businesses); i++)
			    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3, Businesses[i][bExteriorX], Businesses[i][bExteriorY], Businesses[i][bExteriorZ]))
			        if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == 0)
			            if(random(4) < 2)
			                format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s has kicked the door down, breaking the door lock.", GetName(playerid));
			                NearByMessage(playerid, SCRIPTPURPLE, string);
				            Businesses[i][bLockStatus] = 0;
				            Player[playerid][InBusiness] = i;
			        		SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 65000+i);
				        	SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Businesses[i][bInteriorID]); //<========THIS LINE
				        	SetPlayerPos(playerid, Businesses[i][bInteriorX], Businesses[i][bInteriorY], Businesses[i][bInteriorZ]);
			                format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s has kicked the door, attempting to break through, but has failed.", GetName(playerid));
			                NearByMessage(playerid, SCRIPTPURPLE, string);
			for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(Houses); i++)
			    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3, Houses[i][hExteriorX], Houses[i][hExteriorY], Houses[i][hExteriorZ]))
			        if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == 0)
			            if(random(4) < 2)
			                format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s has kicked the door down, breaking the door lock.", GetName(playerid));
			                NearByMessage(playerid, SCRIPTPURPLE, string);
				            Houses[i][LockStatus] = 0;
			        		SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 55000+i);
			        		Player[playerid][InHouse] = i;
				        	SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Houses[i][hInteriorID]);
				        	SetPlayerPos(playerid, Houses[i][hInteriorX], Houses[i][hInteriorY], Houses[i][hInteriorZ]);
			                format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s has kicked the door, attempting to break through, but has failed.", GetName(playerid));
			                NearByMessage(playerid, SCRIPTPURPLE, string);
			for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(Groups); i++)
			    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3, Groups[i][HQExteriorX], Groups[i][HQExteriorY], Groups[i][HQExteriorZ]))
			        if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) == Groups[i][HQExteriorID] && GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == 0)
			            if(random(4) < 2)
				            Groups[i][HQLock] = 0;
				            Player[playerid][InGroupHQ] = i;
			       			SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 45000+i);
				        	SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Groups[i][HQInteriorID]);
				        	SetPlayerPos(playerid, Groups[i][HQInteriorX], Groups[i][HQInteriorY], Groups[i][HQInteriorZ]);
			                format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s has kicked the door, attempting to break through, but has failed.", GetName(playerid));
			                NearByMessage(playerid, SCRIPTPURPLE, string);
	return 1;
second warning:
			            dini_IntSet(string, "InteriorID", Businesses[NewBusinessID][bInteriorID]);
third warning:
        dini_IntSet(FileName, "InteriorID", Businesses[i][bInteriorID]);
fourth warning:
			        		SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Businesses[i][bInteriorID]);

Re: warning 213: tag mismatch - Konstantinos - 21.05.2015

bInteriorID must be integer in your enum and not having a tag (in example Float:).

Re: warning 213: tag mismatch - EaglesBill - 21.05.2015

oh thank you dude . i accidentally add float to bInteriorID. didnt realize till you told me