Error 055: start of function body without function header -
Magnezia - 19.05.2015
This problem is clear for me that it probably need a Header for the Script,How do i apply Header for this?
** Cuneo
/* model x y z angle Colours Resp Team Type Job Biz Number plate */
{560, 1471.4939, 2814.4810, 10.5253,179.5494, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 0,0,"None", 0, "Cuneo_1"}, //Sultan
{560, 1463.8257, 2814.3215, 10.5259,183.4534, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 0,0,"None", 0, "Cuneo_2"}, //Sultan
{560, 1460.6910, 2838.6003, 10.5256,180.0001, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 0,0,"None", 0, "Cuneo_3"}, //moto1
{560, 1470.4602, 2838.9050, 10.5254,180.0003, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 0,0,"None", 0, "Cuneo_4"}, //moto2
{409, 1461.2400, 2787.1600, 10.8200, 180.0, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 0,0,"None", 0, "__Cuneo"}, //limo
{487, 1477.0600, 2773.6400, 10.8200, 180.8006, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 1,1,"None", 0, "Cuneo"}, //Heli
Re: Error 055: start of function body without function header -
Jonny5 - 19.05.2015
you have an extra comma at the end of the array
, //Heli
remove the comma and try to compile again
sorry i misread your post
the header should look something like
pawn Code:
new myarray[][14]
//code here
read here for more info on using arrays
Re: Error 055: start of function body without function header -
Magnezia - 19.05.2015
You mean in this way?
new myarray[][14]
** Cuneo
/* model x y z angle Colours Resp Team Type Job Biz Number plate */
{560, 1471.4939, 2814.4810, 10.5253,179.5494, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 0,0,"None", 0, "Cuneo_1"}, //Sultan
{560, 1463.8257, 2814.3215, 10.5259,183.4534, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 0,0,"None", 0, "Cuneo_2"}, //Sultan
{560, 1460.6910, 2838.6003, 10.5256,180.0001, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 0,0,"None", 0, "Cuneo_3"}, //moto1
{560, 1470.4602, 2838.9050, 10.5254,180.0003, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 0,0,"None", 0, "Cuneo_4"}, //moto2
{409, 1461.2400, 2787.1600, 10.8200, 180.0, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 0,0,"None", 0, "__Cuneo"}, //limo
{487, 1477.0600, 2773.6400, 10.8200, 180.8006, 25,25, 600, CUNEO, 1,1,"None", 0, "Cuneo"}, //Heli
Re: Error 055: start of function body without function header -
Yashas - 19.05.2015
new myarray[][14] =
{1,2,3,...},{1,2,3,...},{1,2,3,...},{1,2,3,...},{1,2,3,...},... //fill your information
You forgot a ';' and a '=' in your code.
new ARRAYNAME[][] = //This equal sign is important
//all your data here
}; //END with a ;