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Gamemode freezing after a few minutes - Printable Version

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Gamemode: infinite loop? - Steveproxy5 - 18.05.2015

Hi, I've a serious problem, I think you can solve this one.
When I login my server, this one freezes itself after a few minutes that's you can't type any command or message. Thank you for reading.

Re: Gamemode freezing after a few minutes - Steveproxy5 - 18.05.2015


Re: Gamemode freezing after a few minutes - Evocator - 18.05.2015

Get a crashdetect plugin, and compile your code with a -d3 flag. This will give you some useful information regarding the issue.

Re: Gamemode freezing after a few minutes - Steveproxy5 - 19.05.2015

I've got it yesterday but where are logs written? and then look at

Re: Gamemode freezing after a few minutes - Yashas - 19.05.2015

The logs can be found at server_log.txt.Also recompile the code with -d3 flag.

How to compile with d3 flag?
Create a file and name it pawn.cfg.Open the file and add this line

Then run the code along with crashdetect and post the results here.

Re: Gamemode freezing after a few minutes - Sithis - 19.05.2015

Please post your OnPlayerEnterVehicle code.

Re: Gamemode freezing after a few minutes - Steveproxy5 - 19.05.2015

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[15:08:37] password = "" (string)
[15:08:37] Server Plugins
[15:08:37] --------------
[15:08:37] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.6 by Incognito loaded ***

[15:08:37] Loaded.
[15:08:37] Loading plugin: sscanf

[15:08:37] ===============================

[15:08:37] sscanf plugin loaded.

[15:08:37] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[15:08:37] 0.3d-R2 800 Players "dnee"

[15:08:37] ===============================

[15:08:37] sscanf error: The current build ONLY supports 0.3d
[15:08:37] Loaded.
[15:08:37] Loading plugin: crashdetect
[15:08:37] CrashDetect must be loaded before 'streamer.DLL'
[15:08:37] Failed.
[15:08:37] Loaded 2 plugins.

[15:08:37] Ban list
[15:08:37] --------
[15:08:37] Loaded: samp.ban
[15:08:37] Filterscripts
[15:08:37] ---------------
[15:08:37] Loading filterscript 'yrace.amx'...
[15:08:37] | Yagu's Race Filterscript v0.4a |
[15:08:37] +--------------LOADED------------+

[15:08:37] Loading filterscript 'rcon.amx'...
[15:08:37] Loading filterscript 'antiping.amx'...
[15:08:37] Loading filterscript 'carmods.amx'...
[15:08:37] Loading filterscript 'antibot.amx'...
[15:08:37] Ban list
[15:08:37] --------
[15:08:37] Loaded: samp.ban
[15:08:37] Bots Security Script v1.0B loaded
[15:08:37] Loaded 5 filterscripts.

Re: Gamemode freezing after a few minutes - Steveproxy5 - 19.05.2015

There is a problem about loading of sscanf

Re: Gamemode freezing after a few minutes - Yashas - 19.05.2015

The plugin version does not match with the include version.Download the latest version of sscanf and install.