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Clickable TextDraw bug? - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] Clickable TextDraw bug? - JR_Junior - 10.05.2015

The text size can not be 0.000000(In X or Y sizes)!
Example 1: PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][10], 0.000000, 39.500000);//BUG
Example 2: PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][10], 10.000000, 39.500000);//NICE

__________________________________________________ _______________
I need a little help ...
When I try to select a TexDraw, several are selected at the same time.
What is this?
See the images and code bellow...

pawn Код:
TextTabletDesktop[playerid][61] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 229.500000, 277.111145, "Trophies");
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][61], 0.173499, 0.778665);
PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][61], 1);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][61], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][61], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][61], 1);
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][61], 255);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][61], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][61], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][61], true);

TextTabletDesktop[playerid][62] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 258.500000, 277.111145, "Games");
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][62], 0.173499, 0.778665);
PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][62], 1);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][62], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][62], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][62], 1);
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][62], 255);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][62], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][62], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][62], true);
pawn Код:
for(new i; i < 63; i++)
    PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][i]);
SelectTextDraw(playerid, 0xAFAFAF77);

Re: Clickable TextDraw bug? - Pottus - 10.05.2015

You didn't set the TextSize and you will have issues with center alignment.

Re: Clickable TextDraw bug? - JR_Junior - 10.05.2015

But when I set the textsize the textdraws can't be selected...
pawn Код:
PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][61], 0.173499, 0.778665);
Note: Text size is needed only if I use box?
Note 2: If the textsize is needed, needs be the same size of lettersize?

Re: Clickable TextDraw bug? - JR_Junior - 10.05.2015

Originally Posted by Pottus
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You didn't set the TextSize and you will have issues with center alignment.
SOLVED... Thanks, Rep+!
The bug was in TextDraw Editor that not saved the TextSize, now is fine!

Re: Clickable TextDraw bug? - ExTaZZ69 - 10.05.2015

Originally Posted by JR_Junior
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SOLVED... Thanks, Rep+!
The bug was in TextDraw Editor that not saved the TextSize, now is fine!
What editor are you actually use? I have the same problem.

Re: Clickable TextDraw bug? - JR_Junior - 10.05.2015

Originally Posted by ExTaZZ69
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What editor are you actually use? I have the same problem.
Fuck, is not solved, don't work and the textdraw can't be selected after use textsize!!!

The editor is Adr1 TextDraw Editor 1.13E!

Re: Clickable TextDraw bug? - JR_Junior - 10.05.2015


The text size can not be 0.000000(In X or Y sizes)!
Example 1: PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][10], 0.000000, 39.500000);//BUG
Example 2: PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][10], 10.000000, 39.500000);//NICE

Re: Clickable TextDraw bug? - ExTaZZ69 - 10.05.2015

Originally Posted by JR_Junior
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The text size can not be 0.000000(In X or Y sizes)!
Example 1: PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][10], 0.000000, 39.500000);//BUG
Example 2: PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, TextTabletDesktop[playerid][10], 10.000000, 39.500000);//NICE
How do you know the coordinates? I use same editor and it don't save the TextSize.

Re: Clickable TextDraw bug? - Hayden_Almeida - 16.12.2015

Originally Posted by ExTaZZ69
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How do you know the coordinates? I use same editor and it don't save the TextSize.
Me too... I have TDEditor and when i create some word with "Selectable" and with box, i cant set the Y axis. And i dont know how to get the exact coordinates for use, i need to Manually put and giving GMX on GM and testing... but this is so anoying!