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Regex Problem. - Printable Version

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Regex Problem. - Ahmad45123 - 04.05.2015

First of all sorry if wrong section :P

I want to edit some huge amount of stuff in my gamemode, So I made a regex replace.
Regex code:
And replace with:
What is intentended here is to replace all: PlayerInfo[*][pVeh or anything else in brackets] to PlayerVehicleInfo[*][0][The var that was found written.]

And actually here is what happened when running that regex:

NOTE, RED is the 1st group matches.

PlayerInfo[dfd][pstorgae] PlayerInfo[pid][pVeh] PlayerInfo[paa][vY]


So as you can see, if there is one that doesn't have any of the keywords, pVeh... etc
It just selects till the next ] that has the keyword after it...

If anyone can fix it to me or just provide me a better one :P will be appreciated.
Will REP too.

Re: Regex Problem. - Ahmad45123 - 04.05.2015

Ok, I fixed it... nvm :P
This was a fast help thread...

I used this btw: