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Server crasher - Printable Version

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Server crasher - Cheesus - 22.04.2015

Hey, today im facing server crashers for the first time.

I think its a new kind of hack. When the hackers connects he can make other players crash.

Is there a filterscript or plugin for this?

Or is anyone else having this problem?

Re: Server crasher - awsomedude - 22.04.2015

Well you can try using this and this one

Re: Server crasher - FernandoLight - 22.04.2015

This is not a "new" hacking method but one of the, perhaps the oldest methods to fuckup a server..
Did you tried searching on forums/****** for the keyword or a solution releated to your peoblem before posting? If not, I'd suggest you to do it first.

Re: Server crasher - Cheesus - 22.04.2015

Thanks for the reply's

Yes i did,

My solution

Re: Server crasher - FernandoLight - 22.04.2015

Cheers on your solution