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Some RC4 objects don't have camera collision. - Printable Version

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Some RC4 objects don't have camera collision. - Crayder - 17.04.2015

I can see through object 11696 while driving through it, it's quite disturbing.

EDIT: Actually it's all objects, only while in a moving vehicle.

Re: Some RC4 objects don't have camera collision. - Matite - 18.04.2015

This camera problem has existed in all previous versions of SA-MP. When you drive inside an object that has been created by SA-MP the camera will escape for a few seconds then return inside.

If you create the tunnel mountain object outside the main map area (3000 x -3000) then the camera will work correctly and not escape. This is probably where most people would create that particular object anyway.

This camera problem is not an easy fix and has nothing to do with how the object was created by myself.

Re: Some RC4 objects don't have camera collision. - Crayder - 18.04.2015

Originally Posted by Matite
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... and has nothing to do with how the object was created by myself.

I realised that after I realised it was not just that tunneled object and the other new land masses. My current project is built entirely above all of SA (literally, all of it). I need it to be inbound (i.e. not outside of SA boundaries) for my hud map to work (custom hud map generated using CA that shows my map instead of SA). Having the ability to move the camera outside of the tunnel sucks, but I guess I can deal with it. Will it ever be fixed?
