help me -
quochuy - 14.04.2015
I use the command /laybanh to get pizza .
But I have a problem like this.
CMD:laybanh(playerid, params[]) {
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] != 21 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob2] != 21) {
SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You are not the Pizza Boy!");
else if(!IsAPizzaCar(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) {
SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You need a car for pizza delivery!");
else if(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) != 155) {
SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You must wear clothes of Pizza SF!");
else if(GetPVarType(playerid, "Pizza")) {
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You are pizza delivery!");
else if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, -1713.961425, 1348.545166, 7.180452)) {
SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You need to take the wheel in place Pizza SF!");
else {
new rand = random(MAX_HOUSES - 1), i;
while(!(HouseInfo[rand][hOwned] && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorZ] <= 100 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorX] > -2802.389648 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorX] < -1400.710327 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorY] < 2800 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorY] > -216.298019)) {
if(++rand >= MAX_HOUSES) {
rand = 0;
if (i++ > MAX_HOUSES) return 1;
iDist = floatround(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(playerid, HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorZ])),
SetPVarInt(playerid, "tpPizzaTimer", iDist / 80);
SetPVarInt(playerid, "pizzaTotal", iDist / 10);
SetPVarInt(playerid, "pizzaTimer", iDist / 10);
SetPVarInt(playerid, "Pizza", rand);
SetTimerEx("OtherTimerEx", 1000, false, "ii", playerid, TYPE_TPPIZZARUNTIMER);
SetTimerEx("OtherTimerEx", 1000, false, "ii", playerid, TYPE_PIZZATIMER);
format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "You've gotten pizza delivered to %s. you have %d seconds to execute!", StripUnderscore(HouseInfo[rand][hOwnerName]), iDist / 10);
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, szMessage);
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorZ], 5);
return 1;
/laybanh in 2 seconds and it automatically shuts down
And I want pizza delivered at a specific default location
So how to edit this script ?
Re: help me -
PURG3D - 14.04.2015
Translate those message into english then i will help you
Re: help me -
quochuy - 14.04.2015
Originally Posted by PURG3D
Translate those message into english then i will help you
Ok ok
Re: help me -
quochuy - 14.04.2015
Originally Posted by PURG3D
Translate those message into english then i will help you
CMD:laybanh(playerid, params[]) {
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] != 21 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob2] != 21) {
SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You are not the Pizza Boy!");
else if(!IsAPizzaCar(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) {
SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You need a car for pizza delivery!");
else if(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) != 155) {
SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You must wear clothes of Pizza SF!");
else if(GetPVarType(playerid, "Pizza")) {
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You are pizza delivery!");
else if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, -1713.961425, 1348.545166, 7.180452)) {
SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You need to take the wheel in place Pizza SF!");
else {
new rand = random(MAX_HOUSES - 1), i;
while(!(HouseInfo[rand][hOwned] && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorZ] <= 100 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorX] > -2802.389648 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorX] < -1400.710327 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorY] < 2800 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorY] > -216.298019)) {
if(++rand >= MAX_HOUSES) {
rand = 0;
if (i++ > MAX_HOUSES) return 1;
iDist = floatround(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(playerid, HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorZ])),
SetPVarInt(playerid, "tpPizzaTimer", iDist / 80);
SetPVarInt(playerid, "pizzaTotal", iDist / 10);
SetPVarInt(playerid, "pizzaTimer", iDist / 10);
SetPVarInt(playerid, "Pizza", rand);
SetTimerEx("OtherTimerEx", 1000, false, "ii", playerid, TYPE_TPPIZZARUNTIMER);
SetTimerEx("OtherTimerEx", 1000, false, "ii", playerid, TYPE_PIZZATIMER);
format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "You've gotten pizza delivered to %s. you have %d seconds to execute!", StripUnderscore(HouseInfo[rand][hOwnerName]), iDist / 10);
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, szMessage);
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorZ], 5);
return 1;