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MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - Printable Version

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MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - rafay - 03.12.2008

Today i received this e-mail. Read the message, i'm not forwarding it i don't believe what do you think ?


Please don't spread chain mails. Anything that requires you to forward an email to a number of people is obviously fake.

Re: MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - Antironix - 03.12.2008

Spam.. That's all.

Re: MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - Serbish - 03.12.2008

haha. these guys are funny.

Re: MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - JaTochNietDan - 03.12.2008

Its completely fake. Do not forward it on.

Re: MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - Lewwy - 03.12.2008

Had it plenty of times.
It's fake, don't forward it as Toch' said.

Re: MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - rafay - 03.12.2008

Silly me -.-


Sunday, 25 February, 2001, 11:00 GMT

Re: MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - Tez2k7 - 03.12.2008

I must've gotten this about 5 years ago..

Re: MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - boylett - 03.12.2008

Whenever I get these messages, I block the person who I got it from.

Re: MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - [M]deLux - 03.12.2008

but thats a funny version of this please-forward-me-messages!

Re: MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - Yaheli_Faro - 04.12.2008

I knew this was fake the second they introduced themselves... that was pretty pathetic xD

Re: MSN to charge user fee! [READ] - Rozzie - 04.12.2008

really fail, There are alreally fake emailers that u can type what ever u want as sender. :P
Can be used with this email lol