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Help - Edw - 08.04.2015

This system "Health side" does not really work, if afk and pull it nothing happens

PHP код:
public OnPlayerTakeDamageplayeridissueridFloat:amountweaponidbodypart )
issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
playerDeathissuerid ] == )
GetPlayerHealthExplayeridHP );
GetPlayerArmourExplayeridAP );
      if ( 
AP >= amount )
SetPlayerArmourExplayeridAP amount );
SetPlayerHealthExplayeridHP );
      else if ( 
AP <= )
totalhp HP amount;
SetPlayerHealthExplayeridtotalhp );
        if ( 
totalhp <= && playerDeathplayerid ] == )
OnPlayerDeathplayeridissueridweaponid );
playerDeathplayerid ] = 1;
totalhp HP + ( AP amount );
SetPlayerArmourExplayerid0.0 );
SetPlayerHealthExplayeridtotalhp );
        if ( 
totalhp <= && playerDeathplayerid ] == )
OnPlayerDeathplayeridissueridweaponid );
playerDeathplayerid ] = 1;

Re: Help - Edw - 10.04.2015

help me, please