- SAMP looking like dialog for preview models list -
Gammix - 06.04.2015
Version: 4.7.2 || Last Updated: 14 October, 2019
This include introduces you to a new dialog style: "
DIALOG_STYLE_PREVIEW_MODEL". A SA-MP looking like dialog with both standard buttons but with preview models in a list form!
For preview of dialogs, skip down to examples for photos.
- No size limits
Because of Pawn-Memory, all listitems are allocated dynamically, that means you can have as many listitems a you want!
- No pre-allocation of memory
The memory for storing player dialog's listitems data is done during run-time, no pre-allocated memory at all! So no big .amx sizes!
- Big enough preview
A fairly large and intractable preview model listitem textdraw/button allowing you to clearly view models!
- Rotation and Zoom buttons
You can rotate Z-angle of each listitem while you are viewing the dialog, this is an in-game feature accessed by the player viewing the dialog.
Similarly, you have another couple buttons for increasing/decreasing model's zoom.
- A perfect scroll bar
Scrollbar is made of Sprite (LD_SPAC:WHITE) allowing a perfect measurement of length according to page size!
- GameText codes in listitems
Since the dialog is made with pure textdraws, you can use label codes (e.g. ~n~ - switch line or ~r~ - red color) in preview model's labeltext.
- Hooked ShowPlayerDialog
Support samp dialog function "ShowPlayerDialog" and you can handle response under "OnDialogResponse". Check the examples for how to use.
- Adding custom rotation/color
You can set each model rotation using a simple string pattern while making the dialog's list.
We will make a list of 3 cars each set to rotation(0.0, 0.0, -50.0, 1.0).
Notice: The highlighted bracketed string, that's how you set rotation.
400(0.0, 0.0, -50.0, 1.0)\tLandstalker\n\
401(0.0, 0.0, -50.0, 1.0)\tBravura\n\
402(0.0, 0.0, -50.0, 1.0)\tBuffalo
Here we will only modify the first car with rotation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.75) and also colors(0, 6).
Notice: The rest models will have default values for rotation(0.0, 0.0, -45.0, 1.0) and colors(-1, -1).
522(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.75, 0, 6)\tNRG-500\n\
So basically this is the pattern for making listitems:
* CAPS: capital parameters are optional!
Example: Basic ShowPlayerDialog
A simple skin selection dialog with all samp skins as listitems.
PHP Code:
CMD:skins(playerid) {
const MAX_SKINS = 312;
new subString[16];
static string[MAX_SKINS * sizeof(subString)];
if (string[0] == EOS) {
for (new i; i < MAX_SKINS; i++) {
format(subString, sizeof(subString), "%i\tID: %i\n", i, i);
strcat(string, subString);
return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_PREVIEW_MODEL, "Skin Selection Dialog", string, "Select", "Cancel");
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) {
if (dialogid == 0) {
if (response) {
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, listitem);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Skin Changed!", 3000, 3);
return 1;
Example: Modified Rotations in ShowPlayerDialog
A simple weapon shop dialog, you can modify the array, add/delete weapons from it and the dialog shape itself!
You can also see i used custom rotations for each listitem in this dialog.
PHP Code:
{335, "Knife", 0, 1, WEAPON_KNIFE},
{341, "Chainsaw", 1500, 1, WEAPON_CHAINSAW},
{342, "Grenade", 1545, 1, WEAPON_GRENADE},
{343, "Moltove", 1745, 1, WEAPON_MOLTOV},
{347, "Silenced 9mm", 1500, 150, WEAPON_SILENCED},
{348, "Desert Eagle", 3199, 150, WEAPON_DEAGLE},
{350, "Sawed Off Shotgun", 4999, 100, WEAPON_SAWEDOFF},
{351, "Spas12 Shotgun", 3870, 100, WEAPON_SHOTGSPA},
{352, "Micro-UZI", 3500, 300, WEAPON_UZI},
{353, "MP5", 2999, 200, WEAPON_MP5},
{372, "Tec-9", 3500, 300, WEAPON_TEC9},
{358, "Sniper Rifle", 4999, 50, WEAPON_SNIPER},
{355, "Ak47", 2999, 200, WEAPON_AK47},
{356, "M4", 3155, 200, WEAPON_M4},
{361, "Flamethrower", 3500, 350, WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER},
{362, "Minigun", 10000, 350, WEAPON_MINIGUN},
{363, "Satchel Charge", 1999, 2, WEAPON_SATCHEL},
{365, "Spray Can", 800, 200, WEAPON_SPRAYCAN},
{366, "Fire Extinguisher", 855, 200, WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER}
CMD:weapons(playerid) {
new subString[64];
static string[sizeof(WEAPON_SHOP) * sizeof(subString)];
if (string[0] == EOS) {
for (new i; i < sizeof(WEAPON_SHOP); i++) {
format(subString, sizeof(subString), "%i(0.0, 0.0, -50.0, 1.5)\t%s~n~~g~~h~$%i\n", WEAPON_SHOP[i][WEAPON_MODELID], WEAPON_SHOP[i][WEAPON_NAME], WEAPON_SHOP[i][WEAPON_PRICE]);
strcat(string, subString);
return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_PREVIEW_MODEL, "Weapon Shop Dialog", string, "Purchase", "Cancel");
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) {
if (dialogid == 1) {
if (response) {
if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < WEAPON_SHOP[listitem][WEAPON_PRICE]) {
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAA0000FF, "Not enough money to purchase this gun!");
return cmd_weapons(playerid);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -WEAPON_SHOP[listitem][WEAPON_PRICE]);
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, WEAPON_SHOP[listitem][WEAPON_ID], WEAPON_SHOP[listitem][WEAPON_AMMO]);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Gun Purchased!", 3000, 3);
return 1;
Download: (plugin-free-version):
If you are using the recommended version i.e. memory plugin version, you'll need to download and install Pawn-Memory plugin, link below.
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
RaeF - 06.04.2015
Great job man!
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Gammix - 06.04.2015
UPDATE R2 - 6th April, 2015- Fixed NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons
- Fixed Selecting bug
- Fixed Buttons configurations
- STABLE Version released!
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Kapersky™ - 06.04.2015
Nice work! Looks sick! *appreciated*.
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
R0 - 06.04.2015
Nice,btw i was working on an include like this to release too.
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Pottus - 08.04.2015
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
Why bother? It's done in OnPlayerDisconnect().
Line 189:
pawn Code:
format(gPlayerList[playerid][i][E_desc], 28, "");
// Do this
gPlayerList[playerid][i][E_desc][0] = '\0';
You for got to clean up playerdraws in OnGameModeExit() / OnFilterScriptExit()
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
RaeF - 08.04.2015
Sorry, but it's look neat
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Gammix - 08.04.2015
Originally Posted by Pottus
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { Dialog_Reset(playerid);
Why bother? It's done in OnPlayerDisconnect().
Maybe because my dialog functions don't check if player is connected!
Originally Posted by Pottus
Line 189:
pawn Code:
format(gPlayerList[playerid][i][E_desc], 28, ""); // Do this gPlayerList[playerid][i][E_desc][0] = '\0';
You for got to clean up playerdraws in OnGameModeExit() / OnFilterScriptExit()
Player textdraws must be cleaned up when player disconnects.
R3 - 8th April, 2015- Fixed header disappearing
- Converted 3D array system to 2D array, really affect the file's output size
- Reduced lines, short code!
Please download the latest version.
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Excel™ - 08.04.2015
Nice job buddy. I will use it!
When will this come out:
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Gammix - 10.04.2015
Originally Posted by ******
They should! Currently most of those will crash as they don't even check if the player is VALID, let alone connected:
pawn Code:
GetPlayerDialogID(-1); // Crash Dialog_TotalPages(INVALID_PLAYER_ID); // Crash // etc...
Why would anyone even perform that function on id -1.
AND, i personally think people have habit to perform such checks like IsPlayerConnected, or maybe a range check... So i didn't bothered to add that! Though now it is done in R4.
All the functions having
Dialog_ as prefix are internal functions, i don't recommend people to use them!
Originally Posted by ******
pawn Code:
stock Dialog_TotalPages(playerid) { if((gPlayerTotalModels[playerid] >= MODELS_PER_PAGE) && (gPlayerTotalModels[playerid] % MODELS_PER_PAGE) == 0) { return (gPlayerTotalModels[playerid] / MODELS_PER_PAGE); } else return (gPlayerTotalModels[playerid] / MODELS_PER_PAGE) + 1; }
That is much more simply expressed as:
pawn Code:
stock Dialog_TotalPages(playerid) { return ceildiv(gPlayerTotalModels[playerid], MODELS_PER_PAGE); }
Obviously with adequate connection checks.
Thats nice & short.
Originally Posted by ******
Why are "Dialog_CreateGlobalTD()" and "Dialog_CreateGlobalButtonsTD()" stock and global? They shouldn't be stock because they are always used (they aren't API functions), and they shouldn't be global because they are purely internal (again, they aren't API functions).
Ok, that can be an alternative.
Why they shouldn't be global, i don't think so you need player textdraws for just a static display.
Originally Posted by ******
Also, there are much better ways to hook the init functions now - both in terms of being script type agnostic, and using more modern ALS methods (applicable for your other callbacks too).
I don't know those new methods, And their benifits?
R4 - 10th April, 2015- Add player connection check within the external functions
- Add double click feature for selecting models directly
- More shorter code!
Please download the latest version.
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
$$inSane - 15.04.2015
Pretty epic, nice one!
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Q_Lite - 16.04.2015
Thats awesome, I will surely use this for making few selectable stuff.
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Qu3esL - 17.04.2015
Very nice textdraw work there bro!
You surely get some rep+!
BTW, what happens when you run the Prevmodel dialog from a gamemode as well as from a filterscript?
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Gammix - 18.04.2015
Originally Posted by Qu3esL
Very nice textdraw work there bro!
You surely get some rep+!
BTW, what happens when you run the Prevmodel dialog from a gamemode as well as from a filterscript?
I have never tried that but maybe that can cause bugs. Cause the textdraws will be made in both the scripts. I think i must create textdraws only in gamemode(init). So it will become necessary to use the include in gamemode and for compatibility between other scripts, you have to include it in them too.
Re : Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
ArchB42 - 19.04.2015
I've got a bug. I tried with 0.3z-R2 and 0.3.7-RC3 (client & server) and this happened.
I used the example script you gave in the initial post with the lastest include release you made.
Re: Re : Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Gammix - 19.04.2015
Originally Posted by ArchB42
I've got a bug. I tried with 0.3z-R2 and 0.3.7-RC3 (client & server) and this happened.
I used the example script you gave in the initial post with the lastest include release you made.
Show your code and do you use player textdraws in your scripts?
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Cassy_ - 20.04.2015
Its awesome.
Its working fine for me!
Re: Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
eXtaz36 - 20.04.2015
Можно код данного диалога?
Re : Re: Re : Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
ArchB42 - 20.04.2015
Originally Posted by Gammix
Show your code and do you use player textdraws in your scripts?
Originally Posted by ArchB42
I used the example script you gave in the initial post with the lastest include release you made.
I changed nothing in the script, just compiled it with SA-MP 0.3.7 RC3, wasn't working, then with SA-MP 0.3z RC2, wasn't working either. Seems like a texture problem since the blocks you see are the skins with a huge zoom on them.
Maybe I've done something wrong in the process, but as I said, I copy-pasted the example script given in the first post (and used it in a filterscript). I called the filterscript after the server was already launched, I'll try to call it during the launch process to see what happens.
Re: Re : Re: Re : Dialogs Include (new dialog functions and DIALOG_STYLE_PREVMODEL) -
Gammix - 20.04.2015
Originally Posted by ArchB42
I changed nothing in the script, just compiled it with SA-MP 0.3.7 RC3, wasn't working, then with SA-MP 0.3z RC2, wasn't working either. Seems like a texture problem since the blocks you see are the skins with a huge zoom on them.
Maybe I've done something wrong in the process, but as I said, I copy-pasted the example script given in the first post (and used it in a filterscript). I called the filterscript after the server was already launched, I'll try to call it during the launch process to see what happens.
Strange, it worked fine for me and other users. If you are using this in filterscript, make sure you have defined this:
at the top of the script.
I'll ask you again, do you use Prevmodel Textdraws in your gamemode or other filterscripts?
And about the model sizes, its default zoom is 0.0, thats why they are appearing like that. Try out
pawn Code:
SetupPrevModelDialog(Float:mx, Float:my, Float:mz, Float:mzoom = 1.0, mbgcolor = 0x4A5A6BFF, hovercolor = 0x8B0000FF, selectcolor = 0x8B0000FF);
set the mzoom param to 1.0 or whatever you suits.
EDIT: There will be a new update for the include where the base of dialogs will completely support Player textdraws rather than global textdraws. This will make the system compatible in multi platforms and more efficient.