native BitStream:InitBitStream(); native WriteToBitStream(BitStream:stream, type, {Float,_}:...); native ReleaseBitStream(BitStream:stream); native SendRPC(playerid, RPC, BitStream:stream); native SendRPCToAll(RPC, BitStream:stream); native SendData(playerid, BitStream:stream); native SendDataToAll(BitStream:stream); native AddTickSignal(index); native RemoveTickSignal(index); enum { BS_BOOL, BS_CHAR, BS_UCHAR, BS_SHORT, BS_USHORT, BS_INT, BS_UINT, BS_FLOAT, BS_STRING, BSC_BOOL, BSC_CHAR, BSC_UCHAR, BSC_SHORT, BSC_USHORT, BSC_INT, BSC_UINT, BSC_FLOAT, BSC_STRING, BS_NQUAT, BS_VECTOR, BS_ARRAY_BYTE, BS_ARRAY_WORD, BS_ARRAY_DWORD };
#define RPC_WorldPlayerAdd 32 #define RPC_WorldPlayerRemove 163 #define RPC_ServerJoin 137 #define RPC_ServerQuit 138 #define ID_PLAYER_SYNC 212 #define ID_AIM_SYNC 218 forward Timer_FreeSlot(slot); public Timer_FreeSlot(slot) { if (!IsPlayerConnected(slot)) { new BitStream:stream; stream = InitBitStream(); WriteToBitStream(stream, BS_SHORT, slot); SendRPCToAll(RPC_WorldPlayerRemove, stream); ReleaseBitStream(stream); stream = InitBitStream(); WriteToBitStream(stream, BS_SHORT, slot); WriteToBitStream(stream, BS_CHAR, 0); SendRPCToAll(RPC_ServerQuit, stream); ReleaseBitStream(stream); FreeSlot(slot); } } ... ... new BitStream:bsJoin, BitStream:bsAdd, BitStream:bsOnFoot, BitStream:bsAim, slot, Float:rot[3]; GetRotFromQuat(quat, rot[0], rot[1], rot[2]); bsJoin = InitBitStream(); WriteToBitStream(bsJoin, BS_SHORT, slot); WriteToBitStream(bsJoin, BS_INT, -1); //unknown WriteToBitStream(bsJoin, BS_UCHAR, 1); //isNPC WriteToBitStream(bsJoin, BS_UCHAR, 0); //nameLen bsAdd = InitBitStream(); WriteToBitStream(bsAdd, BS_SHORT, slot); WriteToBitStream(bsAdd, BS_CHAR, -1); //team WriteToBitStream(bsAdd, BS_INT, skinId); //skin WriteToBitStream(bsAdd, BS_FLOAT, vecFrom[0]); WriteToBitStream(bsAdd, BS_FLOAT, vecFrom[1]); WriteToBitStream(bsAdd, BS_FLOAT, vecFrom[2]); WriteToBitStream(bsAdd, BS_FLOAT, rot[0]); //facingAngle WriteToBitStream(bsAdd, BS_UINT, 0); //color WriteToBitStream(bsAdd, BS_UCHAR, 0); //fightingStyle static unkArray[11] = {0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC8}; WriteToBitStream(bsAdd, BS_ARRAY_WORD, unkArray, sizeof(unkArray)); bsOnFoot = InitBitStream(); WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_UCHAR, ID_PLAYER_SYNC); //PacketID WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_SHORT, slot); //playerId WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_BOOL, true); //hasLR WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_SHORT, 0); //lrAnalog WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_BOOL, true); //hasUD WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_SHORT, 0); //udAnalog WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_SHORT, 4 | 128); //keys WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_FLOAT, vecFrom[0]); WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_FLOAT, vecFrom[1]); WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_FLOAT, vecFrom[2]); WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_NQUAT, quat); //quat WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_UCHAR, -1); //health/armour WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_UCHAR, 35); //weapon WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_UCHAR, 0); //specialAction WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_VECTOR, vecSpeed); //moveSpeed WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_BOOL, false); //hasSurfInfo WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_BOOL, false); //hasAnimation //WriteToBitStream(bsOnFoot, BS_INT, 0x800404A5); //animation bsAim = InitBitStream(); WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_UCHAR, ID_AIM_SYNC); //PacketID WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_SHORT, slot); //playerId WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_UCHAR, 8); //CamMode WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_FLOAT, vecAim[0]); //AimF1.X WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_FLOAT, vecAim[1]); //AimF1.Y WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_FLOAT, vecAim[2]); //AimF1.Z WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_FLOAT, vecFrom[0]); WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_FLOAT, vecFrom[1]); WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_FLOAT, vecFrom[2]); WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_FLOAT, 0); //fAimZ WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_UCHAR, 0xFF); //ExtZoom : 6 / weapoonState : 2 WriteToBitStream(bsAim, BS_UCHAR, 0); for (new i = 0; i < (MAX_SLOTS - 4); i++) { if (IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if (worldId == -1 || (GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i) == worldId)) { if (interiorId == -1 || (GetPlayerInterior(i) == interiorId)) { if (GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, vecFrom[0], vecFrom[1], vecFrom[2]) <= stream_distance) { SendRPC(i, RPC_ServerJoin, bsJoin); SendRPC(i, RPC_WorldPlayerAdd, bsAdd); SendData(i, bsOnFoot); SendData(i, bsAim); } } } } } ReleaseBitStream(bsJoin); ReleaseBitStream(bsAdd); ReleaseBitStream(bsOnFoot); ReleaseBitStream(bsAim); ... ...
#define RPC_WorldPlayerAdd 32 #define RPC_WorldPlayerRemove 163 #define RPC_ServerJoin 137 #define RPC_ServerQuit 138 #define ID_PLAYER_SYNC 212 #define ID_AIM_SYNC 218
native AddTickSignal(index); native RemoveTickSignal(index);
RPG_FireAimQuat(Float:vecFrom[3], Float:vecAim[3], Float:quat[4], Float:vecSpeed[3], skinId = 0, liveTime = 1000, worldId = -1, interiorId = -1, Float:stream_distance = 300.0); RPG_FireQuat(Float:vecPos[3], Float:quat[4], Float:vecSpeed[3], skinId = 0, liveTime = 1000, worldId = -1, interiorId = -1, Float:stream_distance = 300.0); RPG_FireAim(Float:vecFrom[3], Float:vecAim[3], Float:vecSpeed[3], skinId = 0, liveTime = 1000, worldId = -1, interiorId = -1, Float:stream_distance = 300.0); RPG_FireFromTo(Float:vecFrom[3], Float:vecTo[3], Float:vecSpeed[3], skinId = 0, liveTime = 1000, worldId = -1, interiorId = -1, Float:stream_distance = 300.0); RPG_FireRot(Float:vecPos[3], Float:vecSpeed[3], Float:vecRot[3], skinId = 0, liveTime = 1000, worldId = -1, interiorId = -1, Float:stream_distance = 300.0); RPG_Fire(playerid);
stock TogglePlayerHUD(playerid, bool:toggle)
What's that HUD function? It really hides player HUD? But the screen become strange, is there any way to disable the screen resolution change? This plugin is client-sided?
This plugin is only server sided. That hud function activates cutscene mode. If you have 16:9 aspect ratio like 1080p/720p you shouldn't see these black bars.
Ahh I love it. Even though I'm not using a widescreen, it's pretty badass. I don't mind the bars, but wouldn't cutscene mode alter TextDraw positions?
@Edit: Is there any way to force players go to ESC Menu using RPC?
I'm not sure. I don't remember, but I think no. You can always try sending random RPC/Packets with random BitStream data and length and see what will happen in your game, maybe there is some hidden function like that. The range of RPC IDs is from 0 to 255, same thing for packets, so not so many.
enum PacketEnumeration : unsigned char
ID_AIM_SYNC = 218,
Updated to 0.3z by P3ti
#include "main.h"
int RPC_ServerJoin = 137;
int RPC_ServerQuit = 138;
int RPC_InitGame = 139;
int RPC_ClientJoin = 25;
int RPC_NPCJoin = 54;
int RPC_Death = 53;
int RPC_RequestClass = 128;
int RPC_RequestSpawn = 129;
int RPC_SetInteriorId = 118;
int RPC_Spawn = 52;
int RPC_Chat = 101;
int RPC_EnterVehicle = 26;
int RPC_ExitVehicle = 154;
int RPC_DamageVehicle = 106;
int RPC_MenuSelect = 132;
int RPC_MenuQuit = 140;
int RPC_ScmEvent = 96;
int RPC_AdminMapTeleport = 255;
int RPC_WorldPlayerAdd = 32;
int RPC_WorldPlayerDeath = 166;
int RPC_WorldPlayerRemove = 163;
int RPC_WorldVehicleAdd = 164;
int RPC_WorldVehicleRemove = 165;
int RPC_SetCheckpoint = 107;
int RPC_DisableCheckpoint = 37;
int RPC_SetRaceCheckpoint = 38;
int RPC_DisableRaceCheckpoint = 39;
int RPC_UpdateScoresPingsIPs = 155;
int RPC_SvrStats = 102;
int RPC_GameModeRestart = 40;
int RPC_ConnectionRejected = 130;
int RPC_ClientMessage = 93;
int RPC_WorldTime = 94;
int RPC_Pickup = 95;
int RPC_DestroyPickup = 63;
int RPC_DestroyWeaponPickup = 97;
int RPC_Weather = 152;
int RPC_SetTimeEx = 255;
int RPC_ToggleClock = 30;
int RPC_ServerCommand = 50;
int RPC_PickedUpPickup = 131;
int RPC_PickedUpWeapon = 255;
int RPC_VehicleDestroyed = 136;
int RPC_DialogResponse = 62;
int RPC_PlayAudioStream = 41;
int RPC_StopAudioStream = 42;
int RPC_ClickPlayer = 23;
int RPC_PlayerUpdate = 60;
int RPC_ClickTextDraw = 83;
int RPC_MapMarker = 119;
int RPC_PlayerGiveTakeDamage = 115; // bool Give/Take, playerid, amount, weaponid
int RPC_EnterEditObject = 27;
int RPC_EditObject = 117;
int RPC_ScrSetSpawnInfo = 68;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerTeam = 69;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerSkin = 153;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerName = 11;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerPos = 12;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerPosFindZ = 13;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerHealth = 14;
int RPC_ScrPutPlayerInVehicle = 70;
int RPC_ScrRemovePlayerFromVehicle = 71;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerColor = 72;
int RPC_ScrDisplayGameText = 73;
int RPC_ScrSetInterior = 156;
int RPC_ScrSetCameraPos = 157;
int RPC_ScrSetCameraLookAt = 158;
int RPC_ScrSetVehiclePos = 159;
int RPC_ScrSetVehicleZAngle = 160;
int RPC_ScrVehicleParams = 161;
int RPC_ScrSetCameraBehindPlayer = 162;
int RPC_ScrTogglePlayerControllable = 15;
int RPC_ScrPlaySound = 16;
int RPC_ScrSetWorldBounds = 17;
int RPC_ScrHaveSomeMoney = 18;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerFacingAngle = 19;
int RPC_ScrResetMoney = 20;
int RPC_ScrResetPlayerWeapons = 21;
int RPC_ScrGivePlayerWeapon = 22;
int RPC_ScrRespawnVehicle = 255;
int RPC_ScrLinkVehicle = 65;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerArmour = 66;
int RPC_ScrDeathMessage = 55;
int RPC_ScrSetMapIcon = 56;
int RPC_ScrDisableMapIcon = 144;
int RPC_ScrSetWeaponAmmo = 145;
int RPC_ScrSetGravity = 146;
int RPC_ScrSetVehicleHealth = 147;
int RPC_ScrAttachTrailerToVehicle = 148;
int RPC_ScrDetachTrailerFromVehicle = 149;
int RPC_ScrCreateObject = 44;
int RPC_ScrSetObjectPos = 45;
int RPC_ScrSetObjectRotation = 46;
int RPC_ScrDestroyObject = 47;
int RPC_ScrCreateExplosion = 79;
int RPC_ScrShowNameTag = 80;
int RPC_ScrMoveObject = 99;
int RPC_ScrStopObject = 122;
int RPC_ScrNumberPlate = 123;
int RPC_ScrTogglePlayerSpectating = 124;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerSpectating = 255;
int RPC_ScrPlayerSpectatePlayer = 126;
int RPC_ScrPlayerSpectateVehicle = 127;
int RPC_ScrRemoveComponent = 57;
int RPC_ScrForceSpawnSelection = 74;
int RPC_ScrAttachObjectToPlayer = 75;
int RPC_ScrInitMenu = 76;
int RPC_ScrShowMenu = 77;
int RPC_ScrHideMenu = 78;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerWantedLevel = 133;
int RPC_ScrShowTextDraw = 134;
int RPC_ScrHideTextDraw = 135;
int RPC_ScrEditTextDraw = 105;
int RPC_ScrAddGangZone = 108;
int RPC_ScrRemoveGangZone = 120;
int RPC_ScrFlashGangZone = 121;
int RPC_ScrStopFlashGangZone = 85;
int RPC_ScrApplyAnimation = 86;
int RPC_ScrClearAnimations = 87;
int RPC_ScrSetSpecialAction = 88;
int RPC_ScrEnableStuntBonus = 104;
int RPC_ScrSetFightingStyle = 89;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerVelocity = 90;
int RPC_ScrSetVehicleVelocity = 91;
int RPC_ScrToggleWidescreen = 255;
int RPC_ScrSetVehicleTireStatus = 255;
int RPC_ScrSetPlayerDrunkLevel = 35;
int RPC_ScrDialogBox = 61;
int RPC_ScrCreate3DTextLabel = 36;
Don't waste your time, this from raksamp:
Packet IDs: pawn Code:
pawn Code:
This looks like a great plugin, and I am really looking into it to replace the RNPC plugin! But, this would be even more great if it had a better documentation, I am not really clear of what we can achieve with this exactly, and a in-depth look on the functions would be awesome. This attracts a lot my attention and I am going to test it now to find out myself the limits of your work.
Nice job, you could do better in the documentation aspect though. |
Yes, I am very sure, and if you think what I'm talking about is incorrect then you're in complete freedom to correct me, but if not so, mind your own business.
What? Are you sure that you know what you're talking about? lol
This plugin has nothing to do with NPC, its about RPC, Bitstreams etc, i think that the author should re-name the plugin to BitStream cause its the main purposal of it. Its not NPC's plugin, it just allow you to control a bit more of clients game. |