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Admins dialog - Printable Version

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Admins dialog - itachi - 03.04.2015

plase this to admins dialog.


dcmd_admins(playerid, params[])
#pragma unused params

TestPrint("dcmd_admins(playerid, params[])");

if(AdminsOnline() == 0) return MLMSvitz(playerid, "[ ! ] 0 Admins Olnine", "[ ! ] 0 Admins Olnine");

new string[60];

for(new i=0;i<=MAX_PLAYERS_EX;i++)
if(IsPlayerAdmin(i) && Informace[i][AdminLevel] == 0)
format(string, 60, "[ On-line ] %s | [ RCON ]",Jmeno(i));
else if(Informace[i][AdminLevel] > 0 && !IsPlayerAdmin(i))
format(string, 60, "[ On-line ] %s | [ LVL %d ]",Jmeno(i),Informace[i][AdminLevel]);
else if(IsPlayerAdmin(i) && Informace[i][AdminLevel] > 0)
format(string, 60, "[ On-line ] %s | [ LVL %d + RCON ]",Jmeno(i),Informace[i][AdminLevel]);
return true;

Re: Admins dialog - CalvinC - 03.04.2015

This isn't a request-section, try doing it yourself with ShowPlayerDialog and strcat, then we can help you with any problems.
And why are you using dcmd? There's much better command processors like zcmd or y_commands.