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Server Closed Connection [+REP] - Printable Version

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Server Closed Connection [+REP] - arlindi - 02.04.2015

Hello i got banned in an server and i want to create something like dhat
I got banned
I got unbaned by admin after 1 month
When i login i get Server Closed Connection This happend just with my account in my computer
when i login with another account i Login in server SucsessFull and Work

When i try in another computer with my Account
It work
and when i use another computer with the same IP
How to create this ? Please i want this

Re: Server Closed Connection [+REP] - Lordzy - 02.04.2015

They might've probably used your serial number which is generated using the function gpci. It's not documented in SA-MP's Wiki and you've to include it by defining the native yourself, or simply use fixes include.

NOTE : Serials generated using gpci are not unique.

Re: Server Closed Connection [+REP] - arlindi - 02.04.2015

Coo can you tell mee how i can use it?
How to create this "serial number"

Re: Server Closed Connection [+REP] - saadwahab - 02.04.2015

Hi arlindi I can help you in this case because have some ethical hacking skills which means hacking skills for good things and trust me Mate it's all about your ip address

Re: Server Closed Connection [+REP] - saadwahab - 02.04.2015

Goto the link below and download the software hide your ip with the software and connect to that server and you will be unnbanned and it will not show server closed the connection hope it helped you don't forget to +REP


Re: Server Closed Connection [+REP] - saadwahab - 02.04.2015

The server is closing the connection because of samp.ban file in there server database but don't worry it will fix all the things download that software and all will be fine.

Re: Server Closed Connection [+REP] - arlindi - 03.04.2015

I know but i ama need how to create something like this
Becuse i want for my server