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Sencurity Admin - arlindi - 31.03.2015

Hello everyone
In my server have verry admin abuse soo i need to create something for myselef to know allthing
I need to tell mee what to create to make my server no abusing.
Any Idea Please ?

Re: Sencurity Admin - KingHual - 31.03.2015

It's called a proper admin team.

Re: Sencurity Admin - Mauzen - 31.03.2015

Dont hire any admins unless you got a stable playerbase to pick trusty ones from.
Servers dont need more admins than normal players. Depending on the gamemode 1 admin can watch 20-30 players, so Im pretty sure you can handle it alone instead of giving admin permissions to every jerk asking for them.

Re: Sencurity Admin - arlindi - 31.03.2015

Soo ? What is this ?

Re: Sencurity Admin - Abagail - 31.03.2015

You first need to hire trustable and respectable admins. You can obviously log: every command they use, what they say in OnPlayerText, etc. Example(assuming you use zcmd):
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandReceived(playerid, cmdtext[])
      if(PlayerData[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
             new string[64];
new Year, Month, Day;
getdate(Year, Month, Day);
format(string, sizeof(string), "adminlogs/%02d/%02d/%d.log");
new File:handle = fopen(string, io_write);
    new string_large[256];
    new playerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, playerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    format(string_large, sizeof(string_large), "[ADMIN COMMAND]: %s(%d) - %s", playerName, playerid, cmdtext);
    fwrite(handle, string_large);
    print("Failed to open file \"file.txt\".");
     return 1;
But as KingHaul and Mauzen said you don't need to be hiring everyone that asks, or people that aren't fit / are just power hungry.

Re: Sencurity Admin - arlindi - 31.03.2015

Hmm anything forrr
If player spamm and he didnt mute
How to get something like this
Any Message for this ?

Re: Sencurity Admin - DowDaw - 31.03.2015

I don't think just pick trusted players to become an administrator, let it be handpicked, don't get many admins at least 2-3 admins enough as Mauzen said.

Re: Sencurity Admin - Abagail - 31.03.2015

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
    SetTimerEx("ResetPlayerText", 2000, false, "i", playerid);
    if(PlayerLastText[playerid] >= 5)
            new string[24 + MAX_PLAYER_NAME+2];
            format(string, sizeof(string), "%s(%d) is spamming - mute them.", GetName(playerid), playerid);
            SendMessageToAdmins(-1, string);
    return 0;

forward ResetPlayerText(playerid);
public ResetPlayerText(playerid)
     PlayerLastText[playerid] = 0;
     return 1;

Re: Sencurity Admin - arlindi - 29.04.2015

Originally Posted by Abagail
Посмотреть сообщение
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
    SetTimerEx("ResetPlayerText", 2000, false, "i", playerid);
    if(PlayerLastText[playerid] >= 5)
            new string[24 + MAX_PLAYER_NAME+2];
            format(string, sizeof(string), "%s(%d) is spamming - mute them.", GetName(playerid), playerid);
            SendMessageToAdmins(-1, string);
    return 0;

forward ResetPlayerText(playerid);
public ResetPlayerText(playerid)
     PlayerLastText[playerid] = 0;
     return 1;
Ok this is
And How i can get message if player will not mute the player
I want to get message if admin will not mute the abuser
Tell mee to get just and SCM after this i will change to save it
Thanks tooo

Re: Sencurity Admin - Hardicore - 29.04.2015

1. Make A Forum.
2. Make [Admin Application]
3. Tell Players To Go There Or Make This:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xffff, " Welcome To X-Street Server Make Sure You");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xffff, " Have Registered On Our Forum!");
    return 1;
4. Login By Normal Player Account
5. /rcon login [PASSWORD]
6. /rcon cmdlist
7. kick / ban And None Will Know That There's And Admin Online
8. Find Good Anti-Cheat / Spam

Now You Have Solved Your Your Problem!