Compact encoding disabled -
CalvinC - 31.03.2015
I'm currently trying to make a Float's default value -1.
So i know i can use a loop in OnGameModeInit to set it to -1:
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit() for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i ++) Test[i] = -1;
But normally with a variable you can do it this way:
pawn Код:
Float: Test[MAX_VEHICLES] = { -1, ... }
Although with a float, that gives warning 213: "tag mismatch".
So therefore i tried using -1.0:
pawn Код:
Float: Test[MAX_VEHICLES] = { -1.0, ... }
Which gives warning 232: "output file is written, but with compact encoding disabled".
It makes the AMX file go from 3kb to 10kb, but apart from that, is there any other effects, or anything to worry about?
Re: Compact encoding disabled -
BroZeus - 31.03.2015
hmm it doesn't give me any tag mismatch error while compiling with this :
Float: Test[MAX_VEHICLES] = { -1, ... }
But you can use
_: to avoid tag mismatch error with
-1 like this :
Float: Test[MAX_VEHICLES] = { _:-1, ... }
AW: Re: Compact encoding disabled -
Kaliber - 31.03.2015
Originally Posted by BroZeus
hmm it doesn't give me any tag mismatch error while compiling with this :
Float: Test[MAX_VEHICLES] = { -1, ... }
But you can use _: to avoid tag mismatch error with -1 like this :
It gives you a warning (if you use it) & you can't avoid it with _: xD
You must do it like this:
new Float:Test[MAX_VEHICLES];
public OnGameModeInit()
for(new i; i<sizeof(Test); i++) Test[i] = -1.0;
return 1;
PS: If you want to avoid the warning from this code:
new Float:Test[MAX_VEHICLES] = { -1.0, ...};
Write this above:
Re: Compact encoding disabled -
CalvinC - 31.03.2015
Indeed _: won't help for this, but as i said, i already know you can use a loop.
And yes while #pragma compress 0 hides the warning, the file size is still larger than normal.
Anyways thanks, but i was just wondering if there were any bad effects having the compact encoding disabled with "-1.0" other than the file being larger.