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OBJECT PROBLEM - Printable Version

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OBJECT PROBLEM - Fantje - 27.03.2015


I can't find an object and I searched the list 10 times but still can't find it.

OBJECT ( Kinda Bridge ) :

Re: OBJECT PROBLEM - CalvinC - 27.03.2015

Originally Posted by Forum Rules
No Object ID Requests - There are multiple tools available for searching for object IDs - if you can't find them from there, then post in the pinned "Minor Queries" thread, don't start a new thread just for one object ID.
There's only a few bridges in the game so it shouldn't be hard to find, just look through all bridges in the game and copy the right one, and there's also tools you can use to search for bridge objects.

Re: OBJECT PROBLEM - Fantje - 27.03.2015

I tried everything mate! Even in the editor I searched in the map. Every place but nope

Re: OBJECT PROBLEM - Aly - 27.03.2015

If you know the object position use this program:

Re: OBJECT PROBLEM - CalvinC - 27.03.2015

Originally Posted by Fantje
View Post
I tried everything mate! Even in the editor I searched in the map. Every place but nope
Then use this website to find it:
The link redirects you to the bridge category.