#sa-mp (IRC) -
Denis1 - 21.03.2015
How do connect to it, may I ask? I've been searching the forums for a good tutorial, but I haven't found one yet, unfortunately. Would greatly appreciate if anyone could link me to a tutorial that's been recently updated.
Re: #sa-mp (IRC) -
Abagail - 21.03.2015
Simply download something such as mIrc(or use a web client), and configure your nickname, etc. Then press "Join Channel" or whatever it is on your client and enter "#sa-mp" in the box.
Something such as
http://www.wsirc.com/ should work.
Re: #sa-mp (IRC) -
Evocator - 21.03.2015
Originally Posted by Abagail
Simply download something such as mIrc(or use a web client), and configure your nickname, etc. Then press "Join Channel" or whatever it is on your client and enter "#sa-mp" in the box.
And they run on irl.tl
Here follow these for an online chat:
2) Click this:
3) Click this:
4) Enter the info (change your nickname):
6) Tada.
Re: #sa-mp (IRC) -
Denis1 - 21.03.2015
I've tried that already, but it doesn't work. What server should I connect to? The channel, as far as I know, is #sa-mp but I can't seem to find the server.
Edit: Didn't see the previous post, thanks! Well, irl.tl is not working. You probably meant "irc.tl" - I tried it and when I connected to the channel named '#sa-mp', most of the people were from LS-RP. I think that's their official channel?
Second edit: My bad! You actually were correct. Thanks for the helpful reply. I'll be more than glad to offer you a reputation point, haha!